Thursday, August 6, 2009

John Hughes. RIP Mr. Breakfast Club and Other Movies. National Lampoon Vacation.

RIP John Hughes. I wasn't a fan of The Breakfast Club - even though I've seen it a million times but I loved all your other movies.

And did you people know that he wrote the screenplay for National Lampoon Vacation? He sure did.

What was your favorite John Hughes moment?

Here's the trailer to The Breakfast Club:

And for a special treat, check out this Breakfast Club post on TBY from last year - click here.


  1. You really need to click the link at the end of the post and watch the Breakfast Club re-enactment.

    Let me know what you think.

  2. I'm not buying Brandon as the dummass teacher, but he does a good job as Judd.

  3. My favorite movies were Ferris Bueller and Sixteen Candles (I'm a girl, after all). I hated The Breakfast Club...and Judd.

  4. OMG, there were so many good movies! Planes, Trains & Automobiles, Bueller, the Vacation movies, Home Alone, Mr. Mom, 16 Candles, Pretty in Pink...and I love Breakfast Club, so "Show Dick some respect!"

    Funny re-enactment, BTW!

  5. Such a list, it's hard to choose! Although, I related more to Allison from Breakfast Club than was probably good for me!

  6. Eventhough it wasn't a Hughes movie, I like the scene in Dogma when Jay and silent Bob say they when to Illinois because of Hughes.

  7. How can you not love The Breakfast Club? This movie is a classic study on diplomacy. I once wrote a paper about my theory of how each character represented a country; Molly Ringwald - pretty and shallow - was obviously America. Judd Nelson, all dark and brooding, had to be Russia. The nerdy kid was Japan, the freaky girl (my personal fav) Ally Sheedy was New Zealand, and Emilio the jock Germany or something, I forget.

    Anyway, the point is that they all had their differences but were able to come together for one perfect day of stoned mischief and zany dancing by sharing their feelings and smoking pot. Therefore, if everyone in the world smoked pot there would be no more war. I still stand by that theory, dammit!

    RIP John Hughs

  8. @Pru: HERE!HERE!

    I think Pru is smarter than she's leading us to believe.

  9. There were so many movies but my favorite movie is "Sixteen candles".
    such a fantastic movie and i always remember you..
