Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What Does Make A Good Party? Oh I'll Tell You.

Here's a video that will help you to plan a swell party.

And note some of the things to listen for:

- Steve wants to have a good time.
- Make sure there are campus big wigs there.
- Don't forget the weed.
- If you don't have pencil and paper there for're a dick.
- You can't go wrong with silly hats.
- Jimmy Crack Corn sung in a deep voice is ALWAYS a winner!
- Golden showers NEVER are appropriate for parties. Use your head! Think hygiene.


  1. Gay entertainment?

    Sounds kind

  2. When I'm at a party, I like to liven up the conversation by starting an agrument that Grease 2 was better, much better than Grease.

  3. Son of a - yeah but that's you. You have the skills to pull an advanced move like that.

    I'm trying to help my regular readers.

  4. OMG! I can't stop watching! It's all so.. so.. SWELL!!!!

  5. Oh and you gotta love how they said 'and then some more unplanned fun'. So he wants you to plan unplanned fun? HAHA this is CLASSIC!

  6. wow, i DEMAND to be invited to a party like this, all in black and white, with singing

    LOL jimmy crack corn...actually the entire video was LOL

    the hat making contest was a brilliant plan, though. i am so doing that next time i have people over.

  7. So great to have these inspiring ideas for my next party.

  8. Miss Chief - I still can't figure out if the hats here supposed to look stupid or not.

  9. I wonder how this party would have been different if black people were allowed in.

  10. Hey, who DOESN'T like showing someone "a good time"?! ~wink, wink~

  11. Funny, none of these people sound like they're from Mississippi.
    That getting acquainted game is the strangest thing I've ever seen. And how about that ambiance? It looks like a bible study. OMG, here come the hats! What in holy h*ll up with this stupid boring party? I thought they were going to play mixer games, doesn't that involve drinks? Jimmy Crack Corn, I'm outta here!

  12. I didn't know they played Thumper back then. That drinking game is a CLASSIC!

  13. Diane, I would have hung out up to the mixer game because I'd be trying not to laugh and it might be kind of funny but once the hat making started? I'd be out of there.

  14. Getting the girls loaded, and good music is all you need..

  15. That party looked pretty sad. Glad things have changed since then!

  16. Nobody is trying very hard to get Steve laid...

  17. SkylersDad - ain't nobody getting laid at that party

    Steve might get to 2nd base but that's about it.

  18. For some reason I get very nervous wathcing '50's PSA stuff. I really just felt tense the hole time.

    Just fucking weird, Dr. Zibbs.

  19. Higgimosnter - maybe that wild party had you nervous.

    Like you were afraid what might happen next because things were slowly getting more and more crazy.

  20. Steve's nuts are swell, Paul is a stalker, they played like, some game completely mute and made hats?!
    I am sooo glad I wasn't around for the 50's. Where are the hookers, drugs and alcohol?!

  21. Sybil Law - I hear you. If I were there I would have ripped that party a new a-hole.

    I would have too.

  22. This is why sex drugs and rock n roll were invented
