Sunday, August 16, 2009

Yes. I Can Read. Funny Books I like. Paul Feig and More.

So here are a few funny books I'd like to recommend:

National Lampoon's 1964 High School Yearbook - This is a classic. It looks like a yearbook but it's all made up. If you're a fan of Animal House, you can see some of the references as it was written by Doug Kenney. Go get this from the library now.

Kick Me - Advertures in Adolescence - This book was written by Paul Feig - the creator of Freaks and Geeks. It's a collection of stories from when he was in elementary school and junior high in the 70's. Hilarious. (Note there are no pictures in this book so you actually have to read)

The Bible - This one is hard to explain. Tons of crazy stories about dudes with first names and their wacky adventures.


  1. I've been meaning to check out that Paul Feig book for a while. Good to know it gets your seal of approval.

  2. Some Guy - You of all people would love this book.

  3. Hey zibbs I found some old vhs of a movie called "Zardoz" with sean connery. It looks crazy have you seen it?

  4. I bought this for my girlfriend and then stole it back from her:

    Regarding the National Lampoon Yearbook, my sister bought that for me when I was in middle school - I friggin loved that book.

  5. The yearbook was so damn good, I loved how the photos of the kids got smaller and smaller until an entire class was on one page!

    And the names - Anna maria Spermatoza...

  6. I've never read any of these, but I might look into that Bible know....just for laughs.

  7. The Bible is awesome and free to read in any European hotel !
    Great stories of a guy that multiplies food and stuff...kept searching for him in those Italian ice cream parlors, but he didn't do a show (-up)..

  8. SkylersDad - I'm not surprised you've heard of it.

  9. I love reading the bible, especially the Book of Lazarus. I always giggle when he rises out of the tomb and starts munching brains.

  10. I love all the National Lampoon stuff. In high school I got humiliated by my Latin teacher because I had a National Lampoon magazine in class and she screamed, "I will not have that SMUT in my classroom!" Everyone thought I had porn or something. Lucky for me she let me keep it so I could prove to everyone I'm not a perv. Bitch.
