Saturday, October 31, 2009

A Very Tenacious Halloween. David Grohl. The Devil. Rocket Sauce.

I think we can agree that one of the scariest things is the devil. And the food at Friendly's. And The Wheel of Fortune. And the chick from the Progressive commercial.

So here's a video to celebrate the spooky holiday of Halloween. I give you... Tenacious D having a rock off with the devil (played by Foo Fighter's Dave Grohl).

Enjoy your rocket sauce.


  1. Is there anything rock and roll can't do?

  2. Funny you mention the Progressive Ins girl, my BF wants to see her naked!


  3. Secretia- are you kidding? Well, I guess if she were naked I'd sneak a peak too.

  4. That's CLASSIC! I never watched the entire movie, but while flipping through the channels I saw this exact scene, and I just couldn't stop watching. So funny!

    I don't think we've seen even a fraction of the talent that Jack Black really has.

  5. MadTexter - you've got to rent Tenacious D the Complete Masterworks. The movie's pretty good but the sketches they did from Mr Show are brilliant!

    I'm a mahor fan. Even saw thm in concert a few times.

    Also, their album is great too. Great music AND hysterical.

  6. The Devil looks hot. Dave Grohl not so much.

  7. Man...even the Devil is a victim of red tape!


  8. I don't know about this whole D thing but did you read the article on the Progressive lady?


  9. Son of a T - I did not but will Google and see what you're talking about.

  10. Dude, Flo the Progressive lady is hot. HOT.

    And I think the food at Friendly's is okay. Even after working there.

    Everything else is scary though.
