Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Soul Train, Racists, Philly and Dancing To Gladys Knight.

Hello racists. Well, I shouldn't say that. Yet. The only racists are the people that don't leave a comment about these snazzy Soul Train dancers movin' it to Gladys Knight.

And I WILL be taking names of the people that don't leave a comment. I will then take the names to the worst part of Philly..uh..I mean the blackest..I'm not trying to say that the blackest is the worst, I'm just trying to say....

....OK. What I'm saying is that I'm bringing the list of non commentors to an area of Philadelphia that has a lot of black people and I'm going to show them the list with YOUR name on it. The list will say, "List of Racists".

I do hope I find an area that the black people are wearing these clothes because I'm going to join in,

(Turns off boom box. Dancing stops) "Excuse me! Black people. I'd like to dance with you. I know I'm white but let me have a go at it. Then when I'm done, I have a list of people that you might want to beat up because they don't like black people. Alright? Everyone stop staring at me and lets get down! And boogie! "

*The blacks see me dance and then I tell them that I'm going to stop at the local Big Brother office and become all of their big brothers. They then carry me off, singing "For He's A Jolly Good Fellow" and we celebrate with a meal. NO, not chicken you racists. ...well, there might be SOME chicken there but....*

So go ahead, leave a comment. Who was your favorite dancer? What clothes do you like?

(and does anyone think that the brother at 1:22 might possibly be gay?)

Do you want to see another TBY post about soul train, click here.


  1. Man. Now I'm in the mood for chicken. And note that that's NOT racist because I left a comment here in the comments section.

  2. Oh I dunno. It's no Soul Line Revue (which i think is also sadly off air), but I guess their moves are alright.

  3. I like black people. You know how I know 1:22's gay? He's wearing a neck scarf and he leapt. Duh.

    I am partial to the male belly shirts and the entire plaid outfit at 2:30.

  4. Kristen - Soul Line Review..hahahha. I googled it..I've seen it but never knew what it was called.

    J Hi - I think there are a few other gay dudes that are in this video too. It's kind of obvious don't you think?

  5. ...if you want to see the other gay dude dancing on the linked video, he's at 1:22.

  6. Yeah, I'm at loss on the gay guy. There seemed to be many possibilities in that line up...with both genders. And I'm not saying that because I'm a homophobe. Because I'm not. But I am generally surprised I was born in the 70s, because I'm pretty sure everyone was gay then.

  7. ChesterCo_PA - I think you mean NOBODY was gay in the 70's. Right?

  8. No, I'm pretty sure I meant everyone was. However, if you post a pic of yourself on your next blog entry, I may reconsider my stance. (Pretty sly of me, right?)

  9. That is too funny!

    And really, if someone doesn't like chicken and watermelon don't they have the problem?

  10. Son of A - Love chicken but wouldn't phase me if a watermellon ceased to exist.

  11. Brought back great memories of Motown! And since I'm from Motown and don't want to get on any sort of beat 'em up list, I'm a commenting. Remember: You promised.

  12. Pop and Ice - "Beat 'em up list". I like the sound of that.

  13. Good luck "finding an area where black people are wearing those clothes" today. Those outfits and moves are crazy. Before you start giving the guy with a scarf a hard time, remember that Fred from Scooby Doo also wore one around this same time and he was quite the ladies man.

  14. First girl out with the blue shorts that rode high up?

    Camel Toe...

  15. Chaka - very good point.

    SkylersDad - Your eyes are better than mine. I don't see it.

  16. Was that Michael Evans from Good Times at the 40 second mark ? ;)

  17. that Good Times guy DID used to dance on Soul Train...

  18. Chris - I'll have to check but on the Soul Train link, Rerun from What's Happenin' is in the video.

    Gage - I was unaware of that fact.

  19. Hahaha, that is so NOT Michael Evans at the 40 second mark.

  20. @Heff: What's up with your blog dude!! It seems you've closed it down.

    Which is sad cause I really liked it.

    What's up?


  21. Mrs Holly Hall - yeah, what did happen to his blog?

  22. I don't need to comment here to prove I'm not a racist; I've got black friends and I've read The Color Purple.

  23. Gwen - to prove you're not racist, you need to try out for a part in a local production of The Color Purple.
