Monday, February 22, 2010

Come On Little Debbies. Devil Cremes? Downingtown Wegmans.

When I was at Wegmans yesterday I was crossing from the produce area to the cheese area. There are a few shelves that hold some cookware.

And do you know what else they have on those shelves? Little Debbies. My arch enemy of snack cakes. Why? Because they taste terrible. Even Wegmans is ashamed of Little Debbies as is proof of their shelf location. Next week I bet they'll hide them in the basement behind a bunch of mops.

My mom would get them once in a while when I was in school and would slip one in my lunch. As if. Oh is this a TastyKake? I don't know. Let me just eat it. I won't know the difference.

And Little Debbies has a new product called Devil Cremes. Total rip off of Devil Dogs and they put the "R" (registered trademark) really huge after the name as if to say, "Nobody better steal this name because our Devil Cremes are the property of Little Debbies".

F off Little Debbies.


  1. ..and look at Little Debbie. I'm gonna smack her.

  2. The poor man's Tasykake. Remember the Star Crunchs? My mom would pack them, and they sounded and looked so good, but tasted SO bad!

  3. Carnie - Yeah. I remember those. Terrible.

  4. My mom gave us those awful oatmeal cream sandwiches from Little Debbie. They tasted a little like feet...

  5. Um why is everyone so down on Debbie? tee hee...

    Nutty Bars are fantasical!

    They also make a rip-off of the hostess cupcakes which are really good...I guess, my kids tell me, "I" certainly don't eat that crap! It's all granola and fresh veggies for me ;)

  6. Maybe this is why they taste so bad?

    You're really eating Play-Doh®!

  7. Tasted like feet. That sounds about right.

  8. My god, how the hell do they get away making something that is so blatently a devil dog knock-off?

  9. Slyde - I know. We should file a class action lawsuit. Like there are no other shapes other than hot dog shapes for pastries. Sheeesh.
