Friday, April 30, 2010

Incidents That Happened At Who Concerts. Part 1.

I used to go to a lot of concerts. But it seems like at a third of the concerts I went to there was an incident.

And by incident I mean either a fight, a potential fight, someone I'm with getting completely fucked up or some weird or funny thing.

Here's one of the things that happened at one of The Who concerts I went to:

*imagine me in as an old man in a rocking chair telling the tale*

Oh it was way back in the day. Sometime in the 80's.

So the concert was in Philly at JFK stadium. The place was torn down many years ago. So it's a heat wave, The Who is playing and we're on the "floor". The seating was folding chairs.

So everyone is standing on the folding chairs and I feel something spraying on my legs. I turn around and some drunk asshole is peeing on my chair and some of the spray was hitting my leg. With Hulk-like rage I just say, "What the fuck?"...

And I push him so hard that he's thrown back into a row of folding chairs.

He's lying on the ground. His dick is still out and he's peeing on himself.

The security were on him in 10 seconds and threw his ass out.

The end.

And here's a little Who in case you want to play it and pretend you were there.


  1. Man. I hope I didn't post this story already.

  2. As best I can recall, this is your first "golden shower" story.

  3. Never had that kind of experience at a Who concert, but at an AC/DC concert in the '80s, a dude threw up on my friend's head.

  4. Scope - that would be correct.

    Wendy - If that happened to ne I would have to KILL somebody. WTF??? I want a post about that!!

  5. Thank you. I watched your little video, but it did not cause any urine related experiences.
    At least, none that I am willing to share.

  6. At a Fleetwood Mac concert I had an incident.
    Someone reached from behind me and lifted my shirt.
    I flashed Stevie Nicks.

  7. Vicus Scurra - welcome to my blog.

    JenJen - did the guy then run away? What did you do when he did it?

  8. Once I saw a chick get kicked in the face with some huge guy's Doc Martin boot, while he was crowd surfing at a Jane's Addiction concert. I was on acid at the time and it seemed like her scream and the blood that spurted from her nose in slow motion was rainbow-colored and they both hovered in the air for an eternity. Suddenly, I had this flash of insight that the girl, the boot, and the crowd were just holograms. They weren't real and neither was I. In fact, the whole world was nothing but an illusion or a dream that we are collectively dreaming so there was no need to fear anything ever. That idea was so mind-blowingly cool that I started laughing uncontrollably.

    A friend of the broken nose girl glared at me and hissed, "Fuck you, that wasn't funny," as they passed by, which made me laugh even harder.

    I thought, "how absurd is it for her to be mad at me when I am her, she is me, we are the broken nose girl, the blood, and the boot all at once and we aren't even real, we just think we are."

    To make a long story short, I fried hard that night. What were we talking about again?

  9. Oh yeah, and now every time I hear that song "Jane says" I always mentally change the lyrics to,

    "Jane says
    a big boot just broke my nose
    and a stoned bitch won't quit

  10. ..and I wish you would start posting more again. I miss reading your blog.

  11. This is so damn funny that I nearly pissed on myself.

  12. You should definitely illustrate that story, it'll make it easier for the Grandchildren to understand.

  13. The last time I saw the Lords of Acid live, the lead singer started singing their song, "Pussy" and encouraged various drunk girls from the audience to come onstage and flash their beavs. The worst part wasn't the 8 or so unattractive goth-y girls showing their lady bits to the crowd, but it was the lead singer who, following the other girl's leads, flashed her own.

    Um...I guess that she forgot about putting on control-top pantyhose that morning. (shudders)

  14. I don't remember hearing this story, but I'd love to see an in-person reenactment of the Hulk.

  15. Whiskey M -Whu??

    Kimmie - I will do that impersonation for you.

  16. I totally got peed on at the Steve Miller Band concert at The Mann. Of course there was not one paper towel or square of toilet paper left in the entire place. That night sucked. We ended up leaving. I totally understand your rage in the Who incident.

  17. AbelPetSupply - Bathrooms at concerts not being stocked? Are you making this up?
