Thursday, April 12, 2012

I Really Need Us To Start Dressing The Same

I need you to know this. We really need to start dressing the same. All the time. The picture above should be our first outfit.

And lets start walking in sync at the beginning too. OK?


  1. Haha! Is that red velvet? If you please? Oh it's Tiggy...super lazy ce soir....didn't sign in.

  2. Would you have to write "his" and "hers" on the tag? Otherwise, they look so much the same you might grab hers early in the morning and find it a bit snug in the crotchety area.

  3. I'd rather in blue, is that available?

    P.S. your "please prove you are not a robot" words are getting reeeeeeealy long. Also, I'm not sure that it proves I'm not a robot,hmm?

    Also I'm on attempt number three at getting it right. Maybe it DOES prove I'm a robot...

  4. I already have that outfit, so you are running behind.

  5. I call those : camping (= trailer) tuxedo's ..
