Saturday, August 4, 2012

Chester County Man Endorses Wawa Hoagie. Hoagie Fest.

*singing* "Hoagie fest! Hoagie fest! (something, something, something, something*) Hoagie fest!"

That's the Wawa hoagie fest song that they usually play at the gas pumps during the Wawa hoagie fest celebraish but for some reason they aren't doing it this year. Good thing because it's really annoying. I bet people complained. But I do love my Wawa.

Have you guys heard of Wawas? They're convenience stores in the Northeast and they''re awesome. Great food, clean, fast service. I don't think I've ever met a person that says they don't like Wawa.

And now I will tell you about the sandwich above. It's the Wawa prime rib sandwich and it's DELIIIIIISH!

Please get one and tell me what you think of it. Here's how I order mine:

Prime rib sandwich
horseradish sauce
Provolone cheese
grated cheese.


*the "something" part is the part where I forget the words


  1. And just so you know I've had two of these in the past week. But get a lot of napkins because they're messy.

  2. Ashamed to admit, but I've never ordered a hoagie at Wawa. I will rectify that with your specifications.

  3. WaWa's has the best soups and the cleanest rest rooms! Plus, they have the best fresh fruits too. Hubby loves their sandwiches.

  4. The WaWa has made it this far west. Glad you mentioned the napkins. I think I would need a bib while I was at it.

  5. hey anonymous not getting laid much huh? And why no comments are on your blog? Afraid people will point out that you pull your fact percentages out of your ass? Oh, and when you write fake testimonials but you want people to think theyre real you should write them in a different voice. And also dont sign it off with "ted from alabama" mix a city name in.

    Are you really that dumb?

  6. Wawa coffee is my favorite. I used to work at a Wawa, and I would fill a gallon thermos of coffee on my way out of my shift. (I worked the midnight shift so I brought the coffee home to my family for breakfast.)

    Alas, there are no Wawa's this far south, yet. I'll have to wait to try the prime rib sandwich.

  7. Happy - so how did you keep the coffee fresh? Just put it in the fridge? And fyi wawa just opened a place in orlando fla. I would love to hear their expansion plans. Family owned as you probably know.
