Thursday, August 2, 2012

Battle of the Network Stars! Lynda Carter. Gabe Kaplan. Adrian Zmed.

Here are some pictures from Battle of the Network Stars. Remember that? Stars from the three TV networks competing. It ran from 1976 - 1983.

Lynda Carter. Yowza! You can even see areola!! Before the days of the Internet seeing nipple on TV was like finding gold in them thar hills! Maybe that's why I'm a nipple man. Boob size doesn't matter to me. But give me a nice pair of nips (preferably two) and I'm in!

Peter Urich will you please put some pants on? Seriously.

Ann Jillian. I never thought she was hot. But on a related note she was on a short lived show called "Jennifer Lives Here" back in 1983. I was traveling one time and at a bar I saw the kid that was on the show. I also recognized him from being the kid that was on the first episode of Cheers. I approached him and we had a nice chat. (To read a post about other famous people I've met click here).

Something for the ladies. Oh brother. Look at Zmed.

Howard Cosell: So Gabe how do you think you'll do in today's competition?

Gabe Kaplan: Forget that! Do you think Dr Zibbs will reference me in a blog post when he writes about the Philly art museum on  August 1, 2012? Do ya? Also, what do you think of my look? The hair? The stache? Honestly.


  1. Kind of sad to think that Lynda Carter today would probably be told she has to lose weight.

  2. Linda Carter was HOT!!!

    Wasnt Ann Jillian in a show about waitresses???

  3. Choleesa she sure was! And yeah i forget the name of the other show.

  4. I loved me some "Battle" back in the day. With all the half-backed reality series on TV now with C-Listers, why not bring a variation of this back?

  5. I think Gabe Kaplan was channeling Groucho Marx. Come to think of it, he used to do impersonations of him.
    Lynda Carter was/is awesome.
    Just have to give props to Howard Cosell, I really used to love that guy.
    Cute post Jim, made my day.

  6. Those pics are hilarious.

    I had a huge crush on Dan Tanna.

  7. Thanks diane.

    Candy - so did my sister.

  8. The Ann Jillian waitressing show was called "It's a Living." I freaking loved it when I was young- it made me hope that someday I could be a sexy cocktail waitress in a hotel piano bar.
    Aim high, Whiskey. Aim high.

  9. Zmed and Baio. You just reawoke all my childhood fantasies!

  10. How many pushups did it take Scott Baio to get his chest to stick out another quarter inch, ah the days before hgh

  11. I loved the intro's Cosell did to "The Tug-O-War":
    "And the captain of the ABC Team, Gabe Kaplan from Welcome Back Cotter. Kaplan has the apparent bulk but not the strength."
