Thursday, October 18, 2012

Did You Know? Mr Belvedere's Nuts and Debra Winger Farting.

Here are two hysterical celebrity stories that you may not know about. Totally true. Did you know one day when they were taping that dumb show Mr Belvedere that Mr Belvedere came in wearing a track suit, proceeded to sit down and - are you ready for this?....He sat on his nuts and had to be carried out on a stretcher.  BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!! Read the story here .

Here's the second story that's even better. When filming Terms of Endearment Debra Winger hated Shirley MacLaine so much that she once farted on her. True story as seen here .

Most of the blurbs on this don't go into detail but I'm dying to know everything. Was it a simple crop dusting? Was it planned? Somebody must know. What a pig.


  1. If you know of any other celebrity nut crushing or farting stories please leave them in the comments section.

    Stay classy internet.

  2. Replies
    1. Tc i know! And i used to go to a gym with lots of old dudes. Scary.

  3. He must have ginormous gonands for there to be an ambulance involved. Reminds me of the Ac/Dc song, "Who's Got Big Balls".

  4. Haha i dont think theyre big i think theyre loooooong.

  5. Crushed balls are always funny.

    When it happens to someone else.

    And they don't die like the dude in China. As described here (

  6. Oh, that just made my frown turn upside down. Hehe, thanks :).

    1. Anikka i wonder if when he was leaving on the stretcher he acted as if it was his appendix or somerhing different than what it really was

  7. Really? Cause when I did a search on your blog, I got 8 pages of fart posts, beginning with the wake-up fart video.
    I'm not offended by farts, thank god.

    1. Diane haha oh yeah! Maybe ive never written about pooping. Except foe the post when someone shit their pants when i was a dishwasher.

  8. "it's my belief that my big balls should be held every night."

  9. Dr., ac/dc beat me to it. It's off of Dirty Deeds and it's entitled...."Big Balls" of course.


    no particular reason.
