Friday, March 29, 2013

You All Need To Be Tortured By This...

You've all be very bad. Here is your punishment:

Please share your memories of this song. Also, what is your second favorite song from Taco?


  1. Isn't he the creepiest looking creeper? He makes me blue.

  2. And I can't believe Nabisco hasn't used this for a retro tune for a Ritz cracker commercial. Or maybe they have.

  3. Chris ha! Perfect. Except not this version.

  4. I have absolutely no memory of this song at all. But there is a big dark spot on my brain scan where things like this reside. It's pretty full but neurologically inaccessible. I didn;t think I had been this bad, though....Oh, and thanks for calling me on my birthday, Zibbs.

  5. Frankly I'd totally managed to blot it and all memory of it from my mind - now it is back to torture me .... I hate you Dr Z!

  6. Crotch - damn. You need to remind me so I remember to call.

    Furtheron - you are welcome.

  7. i will now proceed to put a straw in the vodka bottle until it's all gone...sweet mary sunshine, sugar, why on a saturday???? xoxoxox
