Monday, April 1, 2013

Man Purse Idea Already Made. Damn Germans And Their Design! Unwanted Bulges In Pants.

Do any of you homos have man purses? No? Yeah me neither.

But it does suck being a dude sometimes when you have to carry a bunch of crap around. Cramming it into your pockets. A few years ago I was known to carry a small camera bag once and a while. was only if I was going to a place where I knew the people AND I was swimming or something. AND I had stuff in it like sun tan lotion, a small whiskey, a camera, Swiss army knife. Manly stuff. But I would jokingly call it my man purse. It's not like I carried it around the mall. Jeez!

But I've always thought that someone should come up with an acceptable bag that men can carry. I don't see it happening though. One of my ideas that I came up with was a gun holster that you use to carry all of your shit. And you'd be safe because most people wouldn't say, "Hey, let me see your gun." So you'd be safe and sound. Knowing that your chapstick is just  inches away from you. In your manly man purse gun holster. (And not in your pocket making up unwanted bulges. Distracting from your package)

But sadly, some German company beat me to the punch. First the Holocaust now this!.....


  1. ..and see the dude wearing the man purse holster? That's the look you would have to give yourself every time you went into the bathroom.

  2. Oh yeah that's a bad ass holster. All you need is a diaper and keys to the minivan hangin' outta there and you are uber cool.

  3. I'm on the 4th generation "murse". Here's a story I wrote long ago about GEN 3

    Now I'm carrying more of a "messenger bag". It's the BLUE one.

  4. the attitude guy learned his tricks from Don Johnson, I'm pretty sure. Would you be wearing espadrilles whilst wearing the holster slash men's bag ?
    I'll bet you look good in those !

  5. Sometimes you're too much, sometimes you just make me laugh like no one else does.

    (Not sure 'faggy' should be a label. Just ... an opinion.)

  6. Suzs - and I mean faggy in a joking way. Kind of like if I call my white friends "niggas" but I know people hate the word faggy or using "gay" as in "that is so gay." Oh well.
