Friday, December 26, 2008

I'm A Very Gifted Ventriloquist - A Natural If You Will

So yesterday at my sister's house for Christmas I was inspecting the gifts that my nephews received and to my delight, and to the delight of everyone there, do you know what I found? Did you guess a Danny O'Day Ventriloquist dummy? If you did, you're right. The same one I told you about a few post ago. Remember I told you I got one in 5th grade?

Now I don't want to brag, but I'm kind of a natural. I'm not too good at keeping my lips from moving but I'm pretty skilled at insulting people and coming up with rude things to say on the fly. So much so that people were getting mad at me and running away.

I'm much better than this guy Jeff Dunham:


  1. I should have known there was a catch there. But, hey, Jeff Dunham is pretty good, man.

  2. Jeff Dunham ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Happy Friday!

    - Jennifer

  3. i'm going to have to throw the gauntlet.

    video yourself. lemme see.

  4. So, do you at least change your voice when talking like the dummy? If not, then with your lips moving and your voice not changing, it's not so much ventriloquism as insulting people while moving your hand crammed up somethings ass.

  5. LOVE Jeff Dunham. Have you seen him when he does Achmed the Terrorist? "I will KEEEEL YOU!!"

    OMG, tears rolling down my face from laughter!

  6. In my extensive experience, cramming your hand up someones ass is insult enough. In fact it's quite literally adding insult to injury...usually.

  7. "Hey, free dummy!"

    ... I always wanted one.


  8. Lol! The black guys were laughin their asses off!

  9. Those things still scare the shit outta me.

  10. I like Walter better than I like you right now.

    Just sayin'...

  11. Hey, Doc. Ventriloquists are creepy.

  12. In the words of Achmed the Dead Terrorist: "Silence! I keell you!"

  13. Were you doing this bit?

  14. Jeff Dunham is too funny. Of course that video was from the 80s (Did you see the mullet hair and bad fashion????) so he has definitly improved since then. Plus, I love Walter and Ahkamed. Not so much Jose Pepper on a Stick.

  15. I want to see a video of you doing it. I can't stand this guy.
