Monday, February 2, 2009

Blogger Calls On Locals For Name Of Dr Exton. PA That Is.

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For those not familiar with Exton, Pa, It's a few miles West of West Chester. And damn it, I'm in Exton all time. Especially at Exton at Main Street. I go to the Exton Barnes and Nobles, I eat the hot pastrami sandwich at Appetites on Main and I've even been known to sit in my car and laugh at the freaks that shop at the Exton Walmart.

That's why I'm asking West Chester, Exton, Fraser and Downingtown residents to insist that I be called Dr Exton. I'm even thinking about using the little ice house shown in this picture above as my headquarters. Except unlike Harold "Mr Exton" Martin that just has a boring rock to his name, I'll make sure my Dr Exton Icehouse always has at least two dwarves on duty*.

I will hand pick and personally train these dwarfs to tell the many tales of me "Dr Exton - AKA Dr Zibbs" and the many adventures I've had in Exton. Just my stories of the Exton Drive-In alone can fill a day. And some of the stories get a little bit blue - if you know what I mean.

Thanks for you support.

*Go ahead, click on the picture to enlarge it and pretend that you've just taken a bus from Tennessee to visit the Dr Exton Icehouse. As an excercise, write out some of the things you've learned and which dwarf you liked better. Was it Ernie? Or was it Mike?


  1. Even though I'm not a local (thank God!) From henceforth I shall call you Dr Exton

  2. Um...of course the stories are going to be blue. Christ, man, blue yak and all.

  3. Belle - what do you mean "thanks God"? Chester County is the nicest place to live in PA...

    Oh yeah. You live in England.

  4. Dear Dr Exton,
    I really enjoyed the tour of your ice house headquarters. I learned alot about the monk-like existence you lead, and your supreme dedication to the people of Exton.

    I have to say that Ernie and Mike the dwarfs were really creepy, with their curled up blue shoes and their fuzzy blue yak hats-complete with horns, but their Dr. Exton stories more than made up for their bizarre appearance.

    They especially seemed to relish with delight the stories of what took place in your car in the Exton-drive in. Although I had the kiddies with me and we had to walk out because of the subject matter- I didn't hear all of them.

    Regardless, I enjoyed the tour but I left there wondering, and it is the reason I am writing you now, what was it exaclty that you did to earn the name, Dr Exton again???

    A perplexed fan

  5. I have no idea what the hell you just said, but I will call you whatever you want...: )

  6. Zibbs, would that be pronounced "Doctor Exton", or "DREX-ton?"

  7. Your wish is our command, Dr. Exton!

  8. The fact that they can slap a plaque on a pile of rocks behind a loading dock and call it a PARK is why we moved away from there.

    Though I miss Main Street at Exton, esp. Cosi and the Japanese place.

    Personally I think you should be Lord High Chancellor of Exton. THAT is a title that would come with an appropriately magnificent hat, which you could wear to Cheeseburger in Paradise. (If that's still open.)

  9. OK, let me make this clear, I only want to be called Dr Exton when I'm in Exton.

    And for John Young, I do like Drexton but only on months ending with a "Y".

  10. And ShieldMaiden - Good Von! Love the title. I originally wanted the title of "Mayor Of Main Street".

    My plan was to walk around with a sash that said "Mayor" and hand the key to the city to every person that walked by,

    "Excuse me I'm the Mayor of Main Street and here is the key to the city"

  11. Mayor of Exton is a good idea, although most Mayor's don't do much more than ride on the float at parade time, oh wait, that's perfect for you.

  12. What in the hell are you talking about?

    - Jennifer

  13. IMPORTANT MESSAGE: Two people have now said that they don't know what this post is about.

    Is it really that unclear and rambling?

    My feelings won't be hurt. I promise.

  14. I liked Ernie better than Mike.

    I understood the post after I enlarged the picture and read the plaque. That's when I figured out what the icehouse was, too.

    That's a hilarious spot! Awesome local discovery.

  15. I know EXACTLY what you meant Zibbs... and I love Cheetos just as much as you do.


  16. I suppose after a certain amount of naked contact in the Wal-Mart parking lot, most small town residents would believe you to be a physician of some sort.

  17. I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. I worked at the EXTON Mall from 1980-1882 at Karmelkorn.

    I had tons of buddies who worked at The County Seat, The Athlete's Foot, Florsheim Shoes, Merle Norman and Piercing Pagoda.

    Those were good times my friend.

    Oh and I did the click thing.
