Sunday, February 8, 2009

Do Not Eat. Reading Terminal Market. Food. Philly.

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Look at this picture that I snapped in front of some restaurant at the Reading Terminal Market in Philly. It shows some food and the sign says, "PLEASE DO NOT EAT THIS SAMPLE!!!"

Isn't this just asking for some wise ass - like me - to take a big ole' bite out of it or steal it and sprinkle a few crumbs on the plate? Then leave a note on the plate that said, "SORY, I KAN NOT REED".

I think it would more effective if they just put unappetizing things around the food to deter people. Like fake bugs or urinal cakes. I don't know.


  1. That sign is just begging for someone to cross out the "do not".

    My word verification is psumm, it's what's for dinner.

  2. Someone is for sure going to eat that. Leaving behind just the crust.

  3. How can you not sample a sample? It should read - do not eat, made with rat poison.

  4. You're hilarious... I can't even take it...

  5. If I was with you I would of triple dogged dared you


  6. When at the Reading Terminal Market, I leave nothing uneaten. I am like a swarm of locusts leaving behind barren ground. After reading this sign I would remain unmoved.

  7. Hell yes you can... I'd be honored Dr. Zibbs...

  8. If I knew you were coming, I would have baked you a urinal cake!

  9. Maybe it already has a urinal cake in it, and they're just looking out for you?

  10. I don't want to eat their stupid sample. That bread looks like it would be tough and tear the roof of my mouth anyway. Presumptuous bastards. They can keep their damn sandwich.

  11. By calling it a Sample aren't they saying you can sample it? Shouldn't they call it a model or example. I'm with Vic...put a urinal cake in it...that will really teach whoever takes a bite a lesson.

  12. Ohhh, they are soooo BEGGING for it! I say do it. A set up like that DESERVES to be tampered with.

  13. BTW, did they see you taking a picture of it? Was that against the rules too?

  14. Wendy B - I'm making your comment into a song.

  15. Urinal cake is my favorite kind of cake.

  16. I've apparantly been locked in the tower for too long...what the hell is a urinal cake?

  17. I'm wondering if the people who would eat a sandwich set out all day as a "sample" (and we won't even get into that particular misnomer) will not be affected by a sign suggesting that they not...

  18. well, why didn't you? take a big hurkin bite out of it i mean.

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. Calling it a display might have worked better...

  21. They've obviously had trouble before..

  22. hahaha, that's so Philly. I'm sure someone has eaten it before... that's just the way we roll around here.

  23. Regardez Moi - yeah - you know the deal.
