Here's a picture that I took a few months ago in West Goshen PA near the Chester County Book Company. I'm in my car. Watching. Waiting. There was a car crash and the Good Fellowship Ambulance people were there doing their thing.
I pulled over to take this picture. I guess I was hoping there was a chance that I could be a hero but there wasn't. I was thinking about approaching anyway (after making sure hair looked good),
Me: Excuse me, I'm the blog world's Dr Zibbs from That Blue Yak. Can I be of any assistance.
Ambulance Person: Sir, you need to back up're Dr Zibbs?
Me: Yes. Yes I am. Is everything under control.
Ambulance Person: Now it is.
Maybe I should just carry around a few tinfoil wrapped letter "Z's" in my car and when I see an accident I can approach and give the accident victims a tinfoil wrapped "Z",
"Hang in there, maybe this will help."
"Why no, I'm not a doctor, but I play one in Bloggy World"
ReplyDeleteI was surprised to read that ambulances are private companies! Did I understand that right?
ReplyDeleteGet out your ZZZs because there are lots of accidents around here.
You should wear a cool mask too. Maybe black leather with silver studs. Oh, and a big belt buckle with a sparkley Z.
ReplyDeleteJ Hi - I think you're on to something.
ReplyDeleteIf those "Z's" are good for OB/GYN appointments, you're golden.
ReplyDeleteYou are wasting your talents on accident victims, OB/GYN to the stars is where the big bucks are found!
ReplyDeleteThe only thing I ever say to bystanders is "Were you involved in this crash? No? Can you go over there then? Yes. Over there. Now. Thanks."
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure the sight of your well-groomed hair had healing properties of it's own. You should also wear a cape, like Zorro.
ReplyDeleteYou are my hero! You crack me up everyday and keep me and other 'good for nothings' off the streets.
ReplyDeleteYou are my hero! You crack me up everyday and keep me and other 'good for nothings' off the streets.
ReplyDeleteDizzy Mom - I'm glad I can be a role model to you.
ReplyDeleteCan I get me one of them there tin-foil wrapped Zs? I need something that says "Hang in there."
ReplyDeleteI'm with Vic. You need to work on getting that cape A-SAP! lol
ReplyDeleteA cape huh? Me likey.
ReplyDeleteTinfoil? That could cause a lot of safety hazards (or comedic moments).
ReplyDeletePerhaps you could use a softer material like cotton.
I was thinking you should learn to do the "Z" thing with a sword (ie-practice once with a section of Hot Wheels track like you did in 1974) and leave your mark upon the land, as a sign of justice.
ReplyDeleteHow about a bull horn? You could announce yourself from a distance, and watch the bystander crowd part like the Red Sea (or whatever sea that was in the Moses movie).