Saturday, March 28, 2009

Pork Chop Dinner and Recipe Shared With West Chester and World.

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Hi everyone. It's me, That Blue Yak's Dr Zibbs from West Chester, PA. And I'd like to share this simple meal with you. Come to think of it I don't feel like writing out the whole recipe but your local library has plenty of cookbooks so go there and do the work yourself. God some of you people are lazy.

I will tell you what you're looking at though. Pork chops with a garlic mushroom sauce. Twice baked potatoes (a bit burned on top but I like them like that). Fried green beans (in garlic butter). And applesauce.

This is a regular simple favorite here at Zibbs Central. And one thing I love to do is fry the green beans only for a bit so they stay nice and crunchy.


  1. Applesauce? Are you sure? I reckon that is lard.

  2. Looks delicious. I'm too lazy to go the the library - I'll look for recipes online instead.

    Now I have a craving for what's on that plate. and I just woke up.

  3. Okay, but now you have to come see the Pho-King funny lunch I'm serving up on my blog. ;-)

  4. Ah, I see you are not a follower of the "no other white meat" on Fridays during Lent. It's probably fine since you already have one foot in the proverbial handbasket.

    Ps - looks delish!

  5. Pork Chops for breakfast? What's next, eggs for dinner. I'll be over at 6 o'clock. There better be bacon!!

  6. MMMMMM, fried green beans in garlic. The only way my mom could get us to eat green beans was to cook them with bacon. Yeah, we were just that healthy.

  7. Sadistic, to show the phat mama all that yummy food while she's working (taking care of the 89 year old man) and has to puree the pork chops to be sucked through a straw.

  8. Definition of irony: Doc does a food post, and Buffalo Dick does a rant... Are we well balanced or what?

  9. Yum.

    Like, seriously...yum. But everytime I think of pork chops and applesauce I think of the Brady Bunch.

    I can't really remember why.

  10. Sass - it reminds you of the Brady Bunch because Peter Brady once said, "Pork chops and applesauce" in a stupid voice.

  11. Sorry ... I drooled on your blog

    I'll clean it up later

  12. I am afraid of mushrooms.


  13. Yea. I drooled too. I'm trying not to look at those twice baked potatoes. Bad carbs. Evil bad carbs.

  14. Yummy Zibbs...I like the idea of fried green beans..hmmm.

  15. Yeah, the Sista's do not like mushrooms. Yuck

  16. Philly - you will eat those shrooms.

  17. Also, I wonder if Bizarro Zibbs is going to be pissed that Anti-Zibbs is trying to steal his gig.

  18. Porkchops and applesauce... isn't that a stint from The Brady Bunch?!

  19. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

    Mushrooms! Feh.

  20. What is it with people not liking mushrooms?

  21. Bizzaro Zibbs would just be you in a different time and space. I'm more like the dark side of you. aka "Anti-Christ". Not that I'm putting you on par with Christ (or the boogie man..if you believe one exists, you might as well believe in all of the made up characters we have jammed down our throats when we were kids)Speaking of which, Easter (and the Easter Bunny) is coming up, will you be attending church again? Actually the Easter Bunny is relatively easy to believe..a giant rabbit that delivers candy all over the word? Who thought thay one up? Don't get me started.....

  22. Twice-baked potatoes and applesauce on the same plate just seems wrong...even when there are pork chops involved.

    And you must be psychic because I had an intense conversation about green beans, just this morning.

  23. Wow. It looks like we've got a battle between the Anti Zibbs and the Bizarro Zibbs. What about a dual?

    No, that's too advanced. How about a steel cage match?

    No. I need something on the level of both of you....I've got it! How about the egg on the spoon race? Yeah!

  24. And before "Crazy Zibbs" and "I'm Gonna Get You Zibbs" characters start coming out of the woodwork, may I suggest trying to come up with your own names and starting your own blogs?

    If you need ideas for names, perhaps open a dictionary - or throw a pencil at something in the room and name yourself that. Let me try it (throws pencil) . Hi. I'm the Lamp Blogger.

    See. It's pretty easy.

  25. Anti-Zibbs and Bizarro Zibbs, huh?

    Truly weird.

    Dr Zibbs, I think you should sue.

    Just FYI, people, if anyone out there starts naming themselves Anti-Cora or Bizarro Cora and haunts my blog, I'm gonna go all Redhead Leo on ya!! You've been warned.

  26. I think you should be flattered by all the spin off efforts. Just know if you were Happy Days, they would be Joanie Loves Chachi. If you were Threes Company, they'd be The Ropers. That dinner looks good. I'm sorry but when I saw the applesauce I too could hear Peter Brady doing his stupid Bogart impersonation.

  27. Oh Zibbs, you are totally forgiven for the whole Tom Hanks thing. I'm back in love with you.

    Mmmm, mushrooms in garlic sauce. Love. It.

  28. You only need five portions of fruit or veg a day you know, and you've got at least 9 beans there.

    Bit of overkill, don't you think?

    Right, where're my scurvy pills?

    Hey - my verification word is 'porklest'!

  29. The Jules - you're counting individual veggies as a serving?


  30. Since we are talking about Happy Days, when did Zibbs "jump the shark"

  31. Zibbs - Did YOU really cook this?

  32. Kimmie - of course I made this. Why would you think I didn't?

  33. Yum, I like things a little burnt too, especially bacon.
