Saturday, August 1, 2009

I Bet This Video Pisses Off Black People. Shirley Q Kmark.

What the fuck is this???

Whatever it is, I'm sure it's gonna piss off some black people. But I bet if you try to say the lines out loud you'll crack your ass up.

Go ahead - try it. Or better yet, leave your impression on my snapvine recorder located on my sidebar.


  1. The more I see this the funnier it gets. So stupid it's funny.

  2. I know 3 (Count them) 3 women who speak just like that.

    BTW, Do blacks read TBY?

  3. Son of A T - I have a few of the blacks. I encourage all peoples to read TBY.

    ...Except Scientolgist, Eskimoes and i'm still deciding...people from Trinidad and Tobbago.

  4. You jess naturally more gots ta love stream o' consciousness

  5. I just realized that 3 of the last 4 posts feature black people.

    Maybe I AM racist without even knowing it.

    Naaa. 4 posts down was a pic I got when I searched "cafeteria". As for George Washington Carver, I just love how he did all that work with a peanut.

    So maybe it's YOU that are racist. Hmmm?

  6. I just loved the voice.
    The voice made me wish I knew someone who talks like that, because I could listen all day.

  7. Son of a Thomas - "I'm VARE not a racist"?

    What is that slang for? What does that...??

    Wait a minute. Who you callin' a dumb cracker?

    Is THAT what it means?

  8. Just watched this AGAIN. And it's way funnier when you've had a few.
