Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mother Jugs And Speed. Remember?

I remember seeing the movie Mother Jugs and Speed years ago but I forget if I liked it or not.

I may need to rent it.



  1. I'm a yes vote for any movie with any character named Jugs.

  2. oh wow, earls the first commentor! how uncommon!

    p.s. your feed is now blocked for me at work, which is why i havent been commenting as much as i used to. i still lust after you...

  3. Slyde- Can't you find a time..maybe Saturday 12 - 2 to focus on my blog and neglect your family?

    Let me know if yoiu want me to speak to your wife and son.

  4. yes, I've never heard of this, but I think I'd rent it based on the title alone. Now I have to look it up.

  5. This was one of the first original heavy rotation movies on HBO in the mid 70's when as a young lad you'd plan your sleep overs at a friends house who actually had HBO so you could stay up late and see boobies (think Big Bad Momma). This flick was a HUGE disappointment since one, it has ZERO boobies, two, it's not funny at all.

    Just sayin'...

  6. Gage - it really wasn't THAT good.

    Tony A - You're rignt. Hardly any good sexy scenes.

  7. I think the whole Larry Hagman is a rapist thing ruined it for me. But I originally saw it as a double feature with CAR WASH, which definitely holds up.
