Monday, March 19, 2012

Wasabi Restaurant Waiter Gets TBY Award. Bradford Plaza.

I will now open the envelope declaring the winner of the TBY Chester County Unique Waiter Gesture Award (even though the answer is in the title). And the winner is....

The tall waiter from Wasabi Chinese and Japanese Restaurant in Bradford Square Shopping Center (Next to Giant)!!

*Balloons fall from ceiling*

And the reason? Most waiters simply put your food in front of you and say, "Here you go." or "Enjoy."

Not this this guy.

He places the meal in front of you and does this hand motion. The hand is in a fist and then he opens his fingers toward the food - exposing his open hand. Then a very slight raising of the palm. Kind of like what a magician does when he shows you the rabbit that he just pulled out of his hat. Right before he says, "Ta-DAAAA!"

Do you know what I mean? It's like, "I now give you....this food. Behold it's glory."

Not sure if he made this move up or if it's what most Japanese waiters do. Either way, he wins the award. Which means.... all you other waiter's lose. THIS year. Now get to work on your gestures.


  1. ..AND after I'm done eating he gives me a cookie with a personalized message in it!!!!

  2. did he give you his number too? There may be more TA-DDAAAs where that came from?

  3. Kelly - There was a phone number written on the......wait a minute!

  4. Does he then pull a Susan B Anthony dollar from your ear?

  5. A waiter with a flourish - nice! I'll be sure to chastise my next waitperson for not doing something similar.

  6. That's not the gesture most waiters give me.

  7. scope, probably b/c you aren't as attractive as Zibbs...sorry about your luck.

  8. Anonymous - Awww yeah. Wait. Who is this?

  9. Anonymous - Well OK then don't be a stranger. (And make up a name instead of anonynmous so you can stand out in the crowd...of the measley number of comments I get anymore)
