Monday, June 1, 2009

I'm On A Boat. Andy Samberg And T-Pain. Boat Excitement.

This Andy Samberg video just cracks me up. But is pretty exciting to be on a boat and all. Then you stop, reflect and realize that maybe that this video wasn't intended to be funny.

Maybe I'm just confused. You know......because I'm excited about being on a boat and everything.


  1. And I honestly need this question answered: Does T-Pain really think that that look is classy? Cool? What is he going for?

    I just don't get it.

  2. I've been giggling at this song (and video) for weeks. I even looked on ebay for a nautical themed pashmina afghan *sigh*
    Hey, don't knock T-Pain. He got to go on a boat with Keith and Andy.
    He may have even effed a mermaid.

  3. My 15-yr old is already over this. You are late. Just sayin'.

  4. My husband made me download the song without the video from iTunes.

    He walks around the house saying "I fucked a mermaid" all the time too.

  5. I love this video! I laughed my ass off when my brother showed it to me (like, four months ago, but that's OK, Zibbs...) I think SNL in general has gone down the tubes, but I still love the digital shorts.

  6. Who cares when the hell this video came out? Good shit is good shit, no matter how long it's been around.

  7. Samberg's schtick of lame white folks rapping hardcore is getting pretty old. Give me some Natalie Portman rap, yo!

  8. Don't feel bad about being late on the video, Zibbsy, I never heard of it before. It's just one of those fabulous perks to being old.

  9. I guess...(looks in mirror at wrinkled, sad face and begins to sob)

    ..I guess you're right Diane.

  10. Hey, i guess I am old too because this is the first time ive even heard of this song LOL

    I just peed a little!

  11. My favorite line is "never thought I'd be on a boat!" Hilarious!

  12. All of their videos are great...check out the one with Susan Sarandon.

  13. I love T-Pain's "One more drink" vid with Ludacris. Love it
