Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Will The Best Children Please Come Up Here? Triplets.

Man. Time flies. My son is already in college. And happy to report that except for one B he has all A's. Phew!

But was thinking about a story his first grade teacher told me about him years ago. There was a set of triplets in the first grade. Their last name was Best. So on the first day two of the triplets were in her class when only one was supposed to be in her class. So she says, "Would the Best children please come up to my desk?"

So the two Best boys walked up to her desk. She told the one that he was to go to another class. Then she looked behind them and my son was standing there. And then...

Teacher: Oh and who are you?

Son: Jack Zibbs.

Teacher: And why did you come up here?

Son: Because I'm one of the best children.

Haha!! He thought she meant the best as in the best kids in the class.

Meh. Maybe you had to be there but it was pretty cute when she told it.


  1. Hahah! That is cute! At least we know he has a solid self esteem, too! :)

  2. I probably would have done the same.

    Here's a movie you should check out:

  3. TC - How did I never hear of Stunt Rock?? I love the narration.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Lo and behold, you've told a kid's story, and a cute one at that. I'm so proud of you Jim.

  6. Love this.

    Went to high school with a kid whose surname is Best.

    He's a weirdo. Big time.

  7. Diane yeah I guess I don't tell to many stories about my kids. I'll have to add some more.

    Smedette - Why thank you. And I would hate that last name.

  8. ...I guess it beats having your last name being "Wurst."

  9. Frankly, I'm disappointed in all the rest of the kids in that class. None of the rest of them felt they were the best?! Sad slackers.
