Monday, October 22, 2012

Who Wants In On A Ground Floor Money Making Venture? Hair Net Related.

Imagine sitting on your yacht basking in the sun. You don't have the money? Well you will once you lend me money for my new product then I pay you back once it's a hit.

OK. So you know when you're getting a blow job and the chick's hair keeps falling in her face so you have to hold it back so you can see her? Well I gots two words for you: Hair. Net.

It's a "sexy" hair net that will keep the hair out of her eyes for your viewing pleasure. 

But I'm going to have my designers come up with a few super sexy hair net versions so it's just not a just simple lunch lady hair net. Really class it up. It's hard to explain. You're just going to have to trust me on this.

I'm going to advertise it with a kick ass infomercial too. Like the guy will be fumbling to hold her hair back. And he's getting all frustrated. And he'll try to put a scrunchy in her hair but he does it with one hand and he can't do it  - maybe pokes her in the eye like a clumsy ass oaf - and the girl gets up and says, "Forget it. It's not worth it." Then she leaves. He's left sitting there looking like a pathetic dope. What a loser. 

Maybe at the end you'll see the girl down there then the guy has two hands free to read a book. OK. Get your check books ready.



  1. Oh and with your investment of $20,000 you get one sexy hair net and get to sit in the audience when I tape the infomercial. But NO OVERACTING!!

  2. I see your angle. They look great on the ladies legs so why not their heads. After all it is called "head." The only bad idea there is if her forehead starts from ear to ear. Not sexy. Perhaps in that case you could devise a hairnet/bangs get up.

  3. Design a second model for the "second one ABSOLUTELY FREE!" portion of the commercial. A hair net more specifically designed to hold the whore's hair back while she's puking from drinking too much.

    The "Alco-Net", maybe ?


    1. Heff hahs!!!! I dont kmow why but i cant stop laughing at your comment!

  4. I have the sick thought of the old Ruth Buzzi charcter from Laugh-In doing the deed and then hitting me with her eyes burn.

  5. Think of how much money you can make just off the porn industry!

  6. Be sure to sell them in economy size packages for the ho's who don't swallow. No one is going to reuse a hair net after its been hit by a tsunami.

    1. Jkirf i will have a low budget version that dispenses from a tissue box type despenser. The expensive ones will come in nice cases.

  7. They can have different names:
    Tuna net, for girls who need a shower.
    Whale net, for the heavier set.
    Drag net, for the queens.
    Framework net, for the girl who's stacked.
    One of the varieties should definitely be pigtails.

  8. This is gold. Pure gold. Andy funny.

    We can't lose. Needs a name. The Blowy Net?

  9. And I can't believe Debra Winger blasted a fart on Shirley McClain and Mr. Belvediere sat on his own saggy ass testicle. Tremendous stories right there.

  10. I shall not invest!

    Seeing as how I prefer cropped haired women !

  11. KN - The Blowey Net? Not bad.

    A Heron's View - That's fair.
