Monday, October 12, 2009

Swine Flu. I'm Too Awesome To Get It. Chester County.

So I did the right thing two weeks ago. I got a flu shot. But my son wakes up yesterday and he has the full blown flu. The doctor won't even see him because so many people in Chester County have it. But the nurse suspects that it's the Swine Flu. Hmmm.

The good news: if it's the regular flu I won't get it. The bad news: if it's the Swine Flu I could get it. And here comes the kicker..(get ready to start feeling sorry for me).. I woke up today with flu-like symptoms. I feel like crap. Weak. Chills. Flu feelings.

What I'm trying to say is, please say a prayer for me. To make sure the prayer is more effective, please pray that someone ELSE gets the flu other than me. Maybe someone in your office that you hate*. Otherwise, God will probably ignore you.

*Feel free to leave their name in case God is just skimming through prayers. The actual name will give it a better chance.



  1. (#1st #1st ! - or whatever it is those obnoxious 1st commenters say). But boo on the flu. I hope it's not swine, but I'm sorry, I can't throw any coworkers under the pig bus b/c that means I might get it! I am sure you understand. Feel better.

  2. I got a flu shot two weeks ago and had flu like symptoms for a full week last week. Three days in bed to be exact...and felt like shit the whole time. It's not fun. I feel bad for you but I'll more likely say a prayer for your son. If it's swine, it's very serious and takes a long time to recover. I keep calling the pediatrician to see if the H1N1 shots are in for my kids...not yet. Hope you both feel better soon.

  3. (struggles to type)...thanks guys.


  4. BTW, If the flu shot you just got isn't the same strain that is going around (like last year) then your SOL anyway.

  5. Why does your son's doctor think that he has the swine flu?

  6. I spent last week with fever and chills. I'm finally past the flu portion and into the nagging cough and ear infection part of the program. I feel your pain...

  7. I know this really cool priest, Father Kelly, who tells me the "swine flu" is really demonic possession. You need an exorcism.

  8. Geee, sorry to hear about your son! ;^)

  9. Dear Baby Jebus

    Please make it that Gordon at work gets the pig death virus because he totally nicked my Double Decker last week, and if it wasn't him please make it a mild version, possibly non-fatal.

    Your christianly

    The Jules

    There ya go mate.

  10. i will be saying a prayer for each of my coworkers tonight. god is gonna be busy.

  11. My throat's a little scratchy tonight. How's that?

  12. Dear God, it's me, Margaret. No wait--


    Hey, God, about that Swine Flu, do ya think you could be a doll and spare the good Dr Zibbs and li'l Dr Zibbs Jr? Pretty please? I think Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan are looking for a few more diseases to add to their ever expanding collections, why not send the Pig Bug their way instead? They'll be most appreciative, I'm sure. Thanks, babe. You rock!



    (I hope that helps, Zibbs. Feel better soon.)

  13. I had swine flu about a month ago; it was very mild except for the chest congestion, which lingered forever.
    Drink lots of fluids to keep congestion at bay. Go to to read excellent advice on how to boost the immune system for you & your family.
    Hugs. xo d

  14. I'm so tough, I don't catch the swine flu, the swine flu gets a case of "the Scopes".

    Get better soon. Lots of liquids.

    Can't tell if my word ver "frorsin" means "for sin" or "forskin".


  15. May God have mercy on your soul.


    I think that may be too soon.

  16. This is your chance to raise a million dollars or just like Oral Roberts, God will call you home!

  17. Dear Baby Jesus and Baby Jesus' mother,

    Please pass over Dr. Zibbs and give the swine flu to my ex mother in law instead.

    Kind Regards,

  18. Oh, there are so many names I'd love to give you. There are people out there who deserve the flu, but you're not one of them.

  19. Wait... are you sure you don't deserve the swine flu?

  20. Because my ex mother in law is also a blue yak....

  21. Oh man. I so hope you woke up today feeling great. Some lady in my town keeps writing letters to the editor swearing that all we have to do to fight off the flu if we feel sick is drink a glass of water with a tablespoon of vinegar and tablespoon of honey in it. Why don't you try that and let me know if it works?

  22. reminds me of that song : I'm too sexy for this flu, too sexy oh so true !

  23. I pray that a certain girl, that I sat next to in homeroom all 4 years of high school gets it instead of you.

    How do you like that?

  24. That is so messed up! I hope you are all feeling better soon. And linking to me. Don't forget the linking part what with all the fever and whatnot.

  25. Oh Zibsy!!! You ok??

    My daughter had the H1N1 last June. (although they never really confirmed that) They prescribed tamiflu for her and the whole famdamily. No one else got sick, thank God, and she was better in a day.

    I hope you are all feeling better soon!!!

  26. *Cough* Just put in a prayer for ya... I mean for George in the mailroom! *Cough*

    - Jennifer

  27. Helping you out here. Hope you feel better...

    Dear God,

    Please let that nasty woman in my office get the flu. You know the one who is always pushing Krispy Kreme donuts on everyone just so her fat ass doesn't feel guilty for having already eaten 6 doughnuts already!

  28. Hope the fact that we haven't heard from you in a few days just means you're really busy...and not sick. If you are, hope you feel better soon.

  29. Get well soon!!!!

  30. Thanks for all the well wishes. I emerged from my bed today after being there since Monday night.
