Of all the art that shows a rhino getting kicked in the nuts by a dude on guitar with a big ass explosion in the back.... this one has to be my favorite.
Behold it's glory!

Thanks to my Twitter friend @Amk195 for bringing it to my attention. Life now has meaning.
Nice. I particularly like the nuke looking mushroom cloud in the background. I can almost hear the cheesy rock music that should accompany a piece this...special.
Pru - it is a beautiful piece. I'd love to get my hands on the original.
Yeah right like I can afford THAT.
And look at the expression on the rhino's face. Yeah that's right mother fucker! You're getting kicked in the nads.
Fucking jerk!
I cracked up when I saw Alice send this to you via Twitter and now I'm cracking up again. Ya gotta love its obscurity.
Rhino record label "exploded" onto the scene in 1978 when the small time shop went worldwide. They are now backed by Warner. Nice ad.
P.S.- I love the unpretentious manner of this piece from the 70's. The more you look at it, the better it gets.
ROFL! This pic is amazing. The credit really goes to dude I went to gradeschool with. He posted it on facebook and, of course, I fell in love with it.
Daine - Really?? Thanks for letting us know.
Alice - Not kidding when I say that if someone asked me who would like this picture I'd say you.
Finally, an image worthy of my work computer desktop. Thank you.
Johnson - You my friend are welcome.
Sybil - That's what I think.
I believe this was one of the rejected album covers of solo artist Steve Howe, former lead guitar player for art-rock band Yes.
I think the guitarist's aim looks a little northward of the rinocular testes region. I'd buy the print if it came in a velvet type finish.....
That is awesome.
I think the term "kickass" may be misrepresenting the dude's aim.
I'd say it rocks but that's obvious right?
Dale - very obvious.
I'm just jealous of the talent. I have terrible aim and can't play a musical intrument to save my life, and here this man is, perfectly excuting both things at the same time.
Bitch PLEASE! Trina: 1st thing that came to my mind was velvet!
Why are they both topless?
ps...totes stealing this
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