Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Here's What I Want For My Jan 8 Birthday

I'm sure you've all marked down on your calendars that my birthday is January 8th (Thursday) but have you gotten me a gift yet? I have an idea for a gift. I'd like to have my biggest traffic week this week so I'm asking everyone to send a mass email out to your friends and tell them something like this*:

Hey friend, I'm not sure you read blogs at all, but the best one in the world is THAT BLUE YAK. Check it out. Simply Google this: That Blue Yak.

And here are links to some of his funniest posts:

Real Sex Talk From My Dad

Top 10 Things I Need To Know About Carny Housing

The Chris Burke Birthday Post

I'm Totally Picking A Dance Fight This Weekend

West Chester Blogger Considers Testing Out A Skull Topped Walking Stick

West Chester Blogger Invents Drinking Parlour Game

Hopefully Philly Heat Won't Kill Any Old People **

Pear Body Shape - Let's Get Learnin'

Gypsy Foot Care Factory Opens Up Shop In Chester County

Valentine's Day Tips From Humble Fork Lift Operator

Other ideas for January 8: Send me nude or revealing pictures. I'm discreet. Write a post about me. Leave a message on my Snapvine recorder (long distance charges apply as Fancy Schmancy has informed me so make sure you have long distance or use your cell phone).

*If you send out a mass email, let me know in the comments.
** I forgot how much this post made me laugh.


Scope said...

I was so gonna get you the jet fuel to go with the jet we got ya.

But instead, I got you THIS instead. I can't imagine this taking a horrific turn for the worst.

Doc said...

Did you know you share a birthday with Elvis and my sister. Small world huh.

I would be honored to write you a post. Look for it at:


Look for it Thursday.

Hope you get lots of loot,

Renaissance Woman said...

I thought you wanted a hippo for your birthday! I'll see what else you can get for a gift.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

I'm getting you a rock. You better like it too.

Amy xxoo said...

Sweet, a fellow January baby. How about for your birthday i contribute to your mass readership by becoming a new regualr reader ?

Will that count? Otherwise, theres the nude picture thing...

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday for the 8th!
When I saw your post in my reader I thought that you would say that you wanted a hippo for your birthday. I was most disappointed that you didn't. I was going to get you a pygmy hippo. Compact and impossibly cute.
Never mind...

J.J. in L.A. said...

I'm sorry, Zibbs, but I'm gonna have to see a birth certificate. I don't go around showing the girls to just anyone because they say it's their birthday...

J.J. in L.A. said...


Anonymous said...

I wondered about the hippo too...

How did you get that photo of my ex-mother-in-law?


Verdant Earl said...

You'll get nothing and like it!

SkylersDad said...

Tired of the jet already? You kids these days...

Jennifer and Sandi said...

Sandi and I will be shipping you one fainting goat. He'll be helpful in the summer with the lawn chores and keepin ya laughing!

You can thank us later!

Happy Wednesday!

- Jennifer and Sandi

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Eve! I posted my craigslist post for you today as an early birthday gift. Since I'm probably the earliest gift giver, I should be your second favorite blogger (after yourself, of course).

Sass said...

Here's what's reallllll sad to me. I saw the animal and said to myself, "Self? Why does Dr. Zibbs want a rhinocerous for his birthday?


The short bus will be here soon, I need to go find my helmet.

And I'll figure out some ultra special for your day...;) Be prepared.

Sass said...

Make that someTHING ultra special.

My helmet strap was in the way.

saratogajean said...

A hippo eating cake?

I'm on it.

Elizabeth said...

Don't hold your breath for risqué photos, unless they include hippos.

Gwen said...


LegalMist said...

Oh, Zibbsy, I had no idea it's your birthday tomorrow! With a little more notice, I could have had a great gift for you. As it is, I'll do my best for tomorrow. Check out my blog tomorrow and see what I got for you.

Michelle said...

You don't ask for much do you????

Candy's daily Dandy said...

Thanks for the heads up!
Isn't Jan 8th considered a national holiday? Well if it's not it should be!

Brad said...

happy Birthday.. a day early...
I want a koala bear for my birthday

LYDIA said...

I can't wait for tomorrow - BEST DAY EVER! Until my birthday that is.

Cary McNeal said...

Don't mess with the hippo. She will F you up. Trust me and what remains of my torso on that.

Happy birthday. If you get any boobies, I'd really, really like to see them. I'll trade you some boob pics that I've been sent.

Anonymous said...

How about a case of the clap and a cold sore?? Can I interest you in that??

Anonymous said...

Haven't a clue who you are bjust thought I'd say it's my birthday tomorrow too(jan the 8th!)
Happy Birthday!!",)

Cora said...

So, c'mon, confess: How old will you be?

alexa @clevelandsaplum said...

happy birthday a day early!

maybe if you are lucky i'll slip you a nip.

Queen Goob said...

You want a meat cake? I posted a picture of a meat cake not too long ago so I'll save you a slice and light 'er up!

Hippo Birthday!

Queen Goob said...

SNORK.....Catherinette is FUNNY!

Mrs. Ivy said...

Happy Birthday Dr. Zibbs!

-Scope sent me :)

Fancy Schmancy said...

I can't *sob* believe *sob* that I missed it *sob*. I'm so sorry, happy belated!