Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Paul Feig Is Hysterical As Seen In This Book Kick Me. Resusci Anne.

Are you a fan of Freaks and Geeks?

Then you have to read this book "Kick Me" by the creator - Paul Feig. I read it a few years ago and I just saw it on my bookshelf the other night so I'm reading it again. It's a book that details his neurotic childhood growing up in the 70's.

There are so many 70's references in this book that hit home that you'll be cracking up on every page. Unless you didn't grow up in the 70's. Either way, you'll love this book. Trust me. Would I steer you wrong?

His style is similar to David Sedaris. You get the inside look into what's going on in his demented head. Kind of reminds me of me a bit except both of these guys were major wusses. Self described wusses. But just the way that they analyze everything in their heads..every detail..making up scenarios for every situation is pretty much what I do.

I was just reading the part last night where he's talking about health class and everyone was forced to blow into the mouth of Resusci Anne - the rubber doll that teaches you how to give mouth to mouth. He's so germ phobic that he fakes fainting so he doesn't have to do it. Whooops. I gave something away.

Anyways, let me know if you read this book and what you think of it.

You can also follow Paul Feig on Twitter here.


Dr Zibbs said...

Oooh. Look at that Resucsi Anne just lying there. Go ahead. Give her a kiss.

Gage1 said...

Oh I LOVE Freaks and Geeks, didn't know he had a book, thanks for this!!

Unknown said...

that Resucsi Anne is just creepy. lol We learned it on swim team but we just practiced on real people I think. That's how us catholic school girls roll.

Alpha Stone said...

I will definitely check this book out. Thanks for the recommendation.

Dr Zibbs said...

Gage and Gilligan - Let me know what you think after you read it. You'll love it!

Alice - Please send pictures.

diane said...

Amazon's got it for under $12. Good deal. Or should I say "righteous"?

Dr Zibbs said...

Diane - you've got to get it. I know you'll love it.

Or you can borrow it from your local library.

Slyde said...

ive heard so many good things about that show.. one of these days i'll have to throw the series onto my netflix queue

Dr Zibbs said...

Slyde - WHAT? You haven't seen Freaks and Geeks? Oh the humanity.

Unknown said...

Ok, but it may change you forever :)


Sorry, I had to.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Ohhhh, I'll have to tell the hubs about that! He looooved F&G!

words...words...words... said...

I really liked his book "Superstud", you may want to check it out.

JMUmonty said...

Ill see if I can pick this up this weekend. I full on Resusci Anne was my first kiss.

Dr Zibbs said...

Words words words - I want to check that one out too.

steenky bee said...

I LOVED Freaks and Geeks. This book? This book reminds me of a book I saw titled "I like you. Do you like me?" It was written by a guy who was a military brat and moved around a lot during his adolesence. Anyway, he saved all the love notes that pre-teen and teen girls gave him and published them. They are scanned in on the very paper they were sent to him on. He even had a handy "Legend" in the back to help decifer teen speak (BFF, WBRS, etc.)He had instructions on how to fold love notes so the teacher wouldn't catch you passing them. My favorite chapters were, "Make out City" and "Let's Just Be Friends."

Dr Zibbs said...

Steenky - that book sounds great! I'm gonna check that out!