Spotlight on the Tapir! It's amazing to me how many people have never heard of the Tapir. There's nothing like referring to a tapir in conversation only to have it come to a screeching halt because someone asks you what a tapir is. Without a doubt the tapir is the ugliest of all creatures. The elephant man of animals. Share these facts with friends today about the tapir:
- They are pig-like creatures.
- Their closest relatives are horses and rhinos.
- There are 4 different types.
- They live in South America, Central America and Southeast Asia.
- If you don't watch out....oh they'll get you.
For all things Tapir, check out
TapirBlog . The tapir blog has a GREAT picture of a tapir approaching an orangutan in a swimming pool and the orangutan looks like he's about to get bitten my a shark. I'm not sure if the tapir is that dangerous or if the orangutan is just a big baby. Either way, see the hysterical
here. So now you know. Pass it on.