Now I don't want anyone to get nervous but..I'm really trying to get to know my readers. What I'm asking is this - do any of you own and wear one of these?:

And if you don't own and wear one do you WISH you did? Or you're planning to? I'm just curious.
Just be honest. For once.
And if you DO own and wear one what is going through your head?
I'm not judging. I'm just curious.
nerd sweep.
have mercy zibbs....
Holy crapoly!! I would totally wear one of these in this order:
1.) Darth Vader
2.) X-wing vs. TIE fighter
3.) C-3PO and R2-D2
4.) boring Star Wars one
JenJen - Me no understand.
Chemgeek - I'm more of "Gas, Grass or Ass" Belt B man as you may know but these Star Wars ones? Go for it.
My late Grandpa Fred had over 1000 cowboy belt buckles.
(GLORIOUS belt buckles... some had fake blue diamonds). No, he wasn't a drag queen, I don't think.
I don't have one of those but I do have a red beaver belt buckle with swarovski crystals on it. Remember that classic?
I never had a STAR WARS belt buckle but I did buy an R2D2 cooler at a yard sale one time.
We strapped it to the top of my buddy's SUV and followed Phish for a few days.
Slyde has all four. He wears them at the same time too.
So sweet.
I wear all of them at the same time.
You watch. Totally gonna be the new style.
I would rock that Vader one like you wouldn't believe, but I would wear it on a big black cowboy hat.
Not into belt buckles but I am waiting for real light sabers.
No and no.
However, I do own two keychain holders with Star Wars characters in metal. If you must know.
I don't think this question is for girls, at least I've never-ever seen a girl wear a buckle like that (unless maybe she was a truck driver). But I DID have one of those Star Wars posters that takes a whole month to color in cause it's just that "trippy". That was back in the days of hanging all of my houseplants in macrame hangers all over the house.
I dont own any of star wars stuff, I have only skulls as belt buckles.
I am honest as hell!
What does this say about me?
I have NEVER EVER even SEEN a star wars movie. NOPE not even ONE. and I have no plans to change that.
I think I am ashamed to say this, but my Mr. has the one on the bottom right, plus one other SW buckle not pictured.
Yes, I am married to a nerd, and I'm OK with that.
Gage - I'm kind of like you. I saw the first 1 when it came out. The the 2nd years later on video - just parts of it and that's it.
I would love to turn those into earrings. Sure, they'd rip my ear holes open wide, but I'd do anything for fashion. Hot, geeky fashion.
i am proud to say i dont.
but i WILL admit to having a J.J. Walker "Dy-No-MITE!" Belt buckle when i was 7.
I would totally wear a J.J. belt buckle NOW.
Gage - You'd have to fight me for it.
I own all four and I got each and every one at the Downingtown Farmer's Market.
Caffeine - good to see you back here. And why did you stop tweeting?
I choose the Vader one. It's kind of like a codpiece, being so close to the Johnson Region and all.
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