I was away with my son two weeks ago at a hotel because he had to pick his college classes so we stayed overnight at a hotel. So in the morning he says, “Dad what were you having a nightmare about?”
And then I remembered what I did in the middle of the night. I woke up, sat up and loudly said, “WHA WHA WHA WHA WHA WHA WHA AHHHHHHHH!!!”
The “AHHHHHH” being a scream. Then I tried to speak but the words wouldn’t come out. Kind of like a stroke victim, “A ra ra ra ra ra”…
I forget what the nightmare was about but I have been having more nightmares these days for some reason. And I wake up screaming.
But I still have tons of regular dreams too. Like the other night two people were trying to convince me to go to Halloween party at their CCD. I guess it was CCD for adults because they were two grown women. And I didn’t want to go because they wanted me to wear a grass skirt and be like male hula dancer. And I was too embarrassed to wear it. And because CCD is BS.
Then the one woman jumped on top of me and said I got a joke for you. And then she pretended to kiss me. She said, “Anda one…”. And I’m thinking, “OK this is weird.”
Then she kissed me for real and said, “..Anda two.”
And then she said, “…Anda THREE.” And then she pretended to pull a toy out of her butt and said, “Get it??”
And I just wanted her to get off of me so I said, “Oh yeah. I get it.”
What do you make of that?
Oh. And I had a dream last night that I had a staple caught in my dick and the local news stations were calling because they wanted to interview me.