I Think Everyone Is a Short Post Reading Away from "Getting Art"

Last week when I received an unsolicited image of a Blue Yak (see picture above) from Speedcat Hollydale - I was flattered. The mighty Blue Yak silently looking over his kingdom before starting the usual day long session of blog writing. I then asked for an open call of other original pieces of art from you the readers. Well, Fawless , my best friend was up to the challenge. Behold the beauty. It's a masterpiece on so many levels. The visible nostrils. The deformed fingers with extra digits hiding it's fear of the world. The scary eyes almost saying, "What do you look at? Why are you staring? Am I not like you?Aren't we all like me..and you?" And of course the Patrick Swayze on a centaur tattoo (to see the tattoo, make sure the sun is not behind you, hold a magnifying glass up to monitor and look to the left - thar she blows) .

Feel free to leave YOUR comments about the art. Respectful comments only. All others will be deleted.
I can't get my mind off those extra fingers. They will haunt me in my dreams. That makes it some pretty powerful art. Cheers.
Great. This is probably going to get deleted, isn't it?
PS: I still think you should enter my drawing contest.
It brings to mind that essence that Borges termed "the dialectic of allusions", in that there is a definite sense of Hegelian aesthetic beauty coming from an infinite regression of the actual and the ideal, which furthermore coupled with the naiive playfulness of the colours gives it a sumptiousness that belies its status.
Oh, sorry, I mean, Me likey.
cindy mccain??? (i know, i know. i should have more respect for the afflicted. but i just can't help it! i take these things personal and there's little to smile about these days anyway. let's all hide behind our freakishly pointy fingers from the impending doom. the gumsuckers will win every time. it's just up to us to pay for the ride.)
That art is shit. But I respect the hell out of it.
The bloody fangs are the true piece de resistance of the entire work and help bring it all together. Otherwise, it'd just be a Patrick Swayze centaur, glowing eyes, and mutilated hands. Through the blood-dripping fangs, we glimpse a peek inside the soul of a torn and emotional artist rendering a reflection of the world as they see it and how it pertains to cerulean Himilayan bovines. Beautiful. Fetching. Breathtaking.
What a perplexing piece! The sweet bow-tied ponytails lead you one way while the gnashing of teeth take you somewhere else in the art. Bravo Fawless! Bravo!
The overall aesthetic of the piece is powerful. The yak's many digits represent man's search for meaning in an increasingly vapid world. The pigtails say to me that the artist has a silly side.
This picture is lovely and amazing...much like the artist herself.
Holy shit -- now that's art. Who drew this piece of beauty?
LOL @ KATROCKET!! Great name too
The people should be aware that eating rare steaks is dangerous, but alluring .... just as the artists rendering.
"I RENDER, THEREFORE I AM ... Speedcat Hollydale's quote of the day
I am going to have a smoke with Flawless (100 feet from the blog entrance) This is also dangerous. Fear not, the smoke itself, but fear for the ashtray .... what????
I think I will create some new art today ~ something outlandish and islandish with Swedish overtones of denile. YHAAA HOOOOOOO!!!! Blogging is so very exciting, and much more fun than Television. TV stinks really. I shun it. (smile)
Your pal in Minnesota,
SpeedyCat Hollywood
NEW ART from Hollydale
That art is stunning.
Behold! The 16-fingered Yak of Doom and Despair, Coupled with Devious Pleasure.
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