Mental Man Almost Ruins 2008 Blobfest For Everyone
The Phoenixville Blobfest, the annual celebration of the Steve McQueen staring movie THE BLOB, was ALMOST ruined when a mentally challenged monster emerged from an alley and into the crowd. That Blue Yak staff reporter explains,
"It was frightening. One minute we're standing among the crowd on Bridge Street feelin' safe and the next minute a dangerous beastman is not only walking among us humans but dancing right there on the street. I'm sure he's been kept locked away in a closet, then, lured by the music of The Neanderthals he probably let out a deafening roar and pulled apart the bars of his cage. The crowd tried to ignore him for a while but then decided that the only way to remain safe and have a better view of the band was a good old fashioned stoning. After we stoned him, we went on to enjoy tasty food and neat festival fun. Don't believe me? How do you explain these pictures?":

I'm surprised the Angry Villagers didn't take after the Dangerous Beastman with torches and pitchforks!
You are truly blessed to live in an area with so many festivals and public stonings.
Color me jealous.
Where is John Melloncamp in that photo?
Look, they let him out only one day a year. Let the beast be.
Question: did the Blue Yak steal the infaltable blob on the marquee and the classic cars next to it? (compare pictures 2 and 4)
aww we want the hump...give us the hump! awww we...
Anonymous (coward): You won! Unfortunatly since you won't reveal your identity I'll be giving the Iphone to a poor kid.
hi. i'm here for the iphone? And if you can spare any food or change, I'm awfully hungry, sir.
Don't listen to that kid. He's just trying to scam you. I just saw him at Golden Corral eating a steak.
Hey, I know that poor kid! Give me the phone and I'll make sure he gets it.
Blobfest, eh? Sounds like my Friday night!
I'm sorry, I don't even know what that meant.
That's some funny shit, man!
I thought the Mental Man was a picture of Janet Reno wearing, a cool, short haircut for summer.
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