Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Lets all Go To The Galapogos Islands With Alex Trebek!

Now I don't want to get everyone excited, but if I can change some things on my busy schedule, I'm going to be ...are you ready for this?......bringing 20 That Blue Yak readers on the trip to the Galapagos Islands that Alex Trebek from Jeopardy has been hawking all week!

And I'll be paying for everything. It's my way of saying thank you. But I will only take 20 of you. I'm thinking the first part of the trip we can really do some site seeing, check out some of Darwin's legacy and party our asses off but the second part of the trip will be strictly used for bothering Trebek.

We'll still be partying but we really need to focus on putting Trebek over the edge.

What can you add to the trip? Why should you be picked? Let me know in the comments section. I will pick 20 readers. The others will be allowed to meet us at the port but no amount of tears is going to change my mind and let you go on this historic, life altering trip that I'm sure will make it on Entertainment Tonight and all those other crappy shows. So you need to make sure you're OK watching us sail away while you go back to your boring - non Trebek harassing lives.

You will only have the memory of waving at me and the winners from a port in San Diego as we sail away.

But good luck anyway.


sista #2 said...

Bug spray & beer.

What more do you need?


Greta said...

I will bring the smores.

Jennifer and Sandi said...

That's easy. Banana's for the Iguana's and beer! Hmmm, I see a theme forming. BEER!! *Tink*

Happy Tuesday!

- Jennifer

Blonde Goddess said...

I prefer to be naked and I can fart at will. (Farting would definitely annoy Trebek. It could be the official noise of getting a question wrong.)

Candy's daily Dandy said...

I will act like your own personal groupie, sort of like Penny Lane in Almost Famous.

That should annoy Trebek immensely.

Michelle said...

I will allow you to run with me. You can actually run behind me and let me lead because I'm good that way!! I will also allow you to use my iPod!

I will seek Trebek out and trip him many times. Perhaps fart in his direction as well!!!


Moooooog35 said...

Pick me.

I will bring my Ninja Turtle costume and come running out of the woods screaming:


...during campfire time.

I'll take "Alex Trebek shitting his pants" for $200.

Some Guy said...

Zibbs, I believe I have been very outspoken about my disdain for Senor Trebek. I will bring every annoying tendency in my arsenal. I will relentlessly hound his ass the entire duration of the trip. I will make his life a living hell. I will come armed with Gatorade tubs filled with a toxic concoction of rotten urine and turkey giblets. Then, each morning I will pretend that bastard has just coached the winning Super Bowl team.

I'll work on some other plans.

I will

Slyde said...

if you take me, i'll get Earl to give you a handjob..

Cora said...

I've got kick ass Twister Skillz! I'll challenge Trebek to a game. He's like 168 or something, right? Yeah. He will likely get a hernia or wet his pants or something - it will be freaking GREAT (well, for US anyway.)

I also have that HOT bra you were admiring on my blog the other day, remember? I'm willing to bring that too. ;-)

diane said...

I will bring a case of those little frogs that make you trip when you lick them.
I hope G.I. is on the top of your list, as she has promised you a snog, and the rest of us will have no place to pop in the porn DVD's.

words...words...words... said...

You might as well invite Red, because if you are leaving from San Diego and there is a shirtless Trebek aboard, she WILL find her way on the boat.

Samsmama said...

Suck it, Trebek.

Wings1295 said...

I can bring my geekiness and my insane abundance of useless trivia?

I have been running a daily trivia game since the year 2000 and I could annoy the Canadian pants of Mr. Trebek!

Check it out: Trivia of the Day Game

Real Live Lesbian said...

I'm just annoyingly happy. That should annoy everyone!

rachaelgking said...

Obviously, I bring with my a guarantee of embarrassing tales, the ability to attempt to dance the Stankey Legg, and a buttload of Firefly Sweet Tea vodka. I'm in like Flynn!

Verdant Earl said...

If you take Slyde, I promise not to give you a handjob.

I just want that dude as far away from me as possible.

MJenks said...

Are you going to point out to that insufferable cocksnot that he doesn't know dick about Latin pronunciation?

Alpha Stone said...

I'm not going to tell you what I plan to do with Trebek... suffice it to say I'll be bringing along four rusty hammers and a Saigon whore with a bipolar disorder.

Trebek won't be bothering you any more.

Kelly said...

That picture scares me. A lot!

Dominica said...

I'll bring Girl Interrupted and Prunella....does that work for you ?

Shawn said...

"Excuse me, Mr. Trebek? You have something..just right there...I'll get it for you."

At which point I whip out my trusty tweezers and pluck an eyebrow hair, mustache hair or even a nose hair.

I can pull that off 3-4 times a day.

Girl Interrupted said...

My contribution to the Trebek vendetta would be to:

A) Put the victim in a small room with mjenks and let him ridicule his general knowledge/intelligence IN LATIN (did you see his post? he was pretty pissed) whilst the rest of us cruelly point, mock and laugh

B) Put a sticker on his back that says "Kick Me" ... because I'm childish like that

And I would bring Pru Jones and two of the skimpiest bikinis known to man

Caffeine Court said...

You have to take me. I'm from West Chester! (East Goshen actually, but that's close enough.)

Dr Zibbs said...

It touches my heart to see so many Trebek haters.

And yes, Girl I and PJ you're in as well as Earl.

OK - you're all in.

For now.

PhilB said...

Alex, "It's the Maxwell House slogan".

Alex, "The answer is Good to the last drop".

Sean Connery, "That's what your mother told me last night"

(SNL reference)

Will Alex be shirtless? I got a semi just looking at him.



Dr Zibbs said...

Phil - I love those SNL sketches. As for a semi - never heard that one but good one.

Eric said...

I would ask all questions to Alex in the form of a statement, just to tick him off a bit more.

I'd also draw unflattering comparisons between him and John Oates of 'Hall and Oates'.

Gwen said...

Reasons I should be invited:

1. You love me best.
2. I can be annoying as all hell when I want to be.
3. I promise to pull the stunt where I mimic everything he does and says for at least 20 minutes every day.
4. I'll bring slidewhistles and we can follow him around all day making noises at inappropriate times, like when he bends down to tie his shoe and when he takes a drink through a straw and when he is trying to hit on somebody.
5. I am not above breaking into his room and putting dye in his shampoo, itching powder in his lotion, and crackers in his bed.
6. You and I would have a ton of fun together.
7. mjenks MUST be on the list. His hatred of The 'Bek runs deep and wide and I'm pretty sure that I could coach him (jenks) to a whole new level of irritating.

Pick me!

SkylersDad said...

I would bring along my pet Galapagos Tortoise in hopes I could reunite him with his family, making for a heart warming after school special.

Who can pass that shit up?

Dr Zibbs said...

Gwen - you know that how close the slide whistle is to my heart. Thanks for remembering.

Skylers Dad - Very Noble. Were you more creative naming him than the name I had for my turtle? Mrytle.

Cameron said...

A 4 pound bag of dope...that'll get us at least half way there.

Cora said...

*laughing at Gwen and the slidewhistles!!*

Tom said...

I would arrange it so he could not get any food or service from the crew unless he began each of his requests with "what is". Now that I have seen what you are all capable of, I hope to never make enemies with any of you.

Dr Zibbs said...

Cameron - that's a given.

MJenks said...

You know you must be doing something right when two separate people bring your name up on a list of top Trebeck-haters.

You people honor me.

Lynnette Labelle said...

I'll bring the book with all the answers. We can share the winnings!

Lynnette Labelle

OHN said...

I will bring along, and show nightly, the porn video he starred in.

Dr Zibbs said...

Lynnette - welcome to That Blue Yak. Treat yourself to some mints.

Peggy said...

It's a cruise right?

How about a "Trebek" flaming burial at sea sacrificial ritual?

I'll bring the muskets!

Prunella Jones said...

I will steal a lawn gnome from my neighbors front yard before we go so we can snap pictures of him doing various touristy things like hanging out by the pool and hunting rhino. Then we'll send the pictures to the owners with a cheery "Having a wonderful time, Love Bilbo" scrawled at the bottom.

Now wouldn't that be fun? I saw it on a Travelocity commercial

Prunella Jones said...

Or maybe I'll just give you a lap dance. Whichever you'd prefer.

H said...

I'll bring that cute little baby pig Kingsford and finger condoms for all.


Kristen said...

I would think we could easily drive Alex over the threshold to insanity. We could sneak into his room when he is gone and let him accidentaly walk in on us doing the nasty. On his bed. His suitcase. Over his toothbrush on the sink area. You wearing his tux for your own special appearance. I would think after walking in on us a good five times a day. Day after day (assuming you can keep up) would send him over the deep end. Best not tell Mrs. Yak about this plan.

Now if you do bring the Blonde Goddess. Be sure to bring some veggies.

Jeannie said...

As a fellow Canadian, I will be in the enviable position of being able to call him all sorts of hateful things without being called rascist or anything.

Plus I'm really good at drinking beer, wine, tequila, gin and assorted other alcohols. I never ever puke on anyone else and always put myself to bed.

I get very affectionate when I've had a few so that could be a pro or con depending...

I am a very happy drunk.

I don't eat when I'm drunk. But I will cook or make sandwiches if someone else wants food.

sista #2 said...

I'm sitting next to Cameron.


Mandy_Fish said...

Mr. Trebek seems so tender in this photo you've posted. I'm distracted, I'll admit it.

Bring me because I've actually read Origin of the Species and I still have my colleges notes inside it. Also I will bring a small moustache comb and groom the soft-skinned Trebek for you so he's out of your way.

Sass said...

I'll bring a bottle of red wine, a bottle of scotch, a black thong, and feathers.

Somehow in that combination, we could piss off Trebek...and have some fun.

Mr London Street said...

Would love to join you but I'm double booked messing up Ryan Seacrest real bad with a nailgun.

Have fun you crazy kids!

Rikki said...

I would be the perfect straightman for your ploy (I teach ninth grade English - what bigger buzz kill could there be?). I could engage Alex in quiet literary or philosophical discussions while you and prunella or girl interrupted (or both) get busy in his line of sight.

The combination will make his head explode.

Andrew Rodriguez said...

If you bring me, I'll keep bringing up the fact that Cliff Claven had the right answer in final jepordy, "Who are three people who were never in my kitchen" One of the funniest lines from Cheers ever!

Oh and we can prove the whole survival of the fitest thing by flipping giant tortoses on their backs, see who's big now?

Tash said...

Sorry, I love Trebek. But, I will bone him which will lead to another heart attack from which he will not survive.

Eh eh? That oughta make you haters happy.

But that's me. Anything for you, Zibbs.

Kristen said...

Am I the only one concerned that you have a nekked pic of Alex?

Dr Zibbs said...

Tish - you're so giving.

Brian said...

Alex looks like a date rapist here.

alexa @clevelandsaplum said...

i just laughed for a solid 2 minutes of seeing that picture of alex without a shirt on.

love it.

slopmaster said...

Yea, I also like trebek, especially when he is on SNL impersonating himself. I couldn't let you annoy him. If I wasn't in Africa, I would go and block you from harrassing him!

Fancy Schmancy said...

Wow, with all the ingenious giving going on here, as much as I would love a trip to an island, any island, I'm a little scared of your followers. I think I'm just going to say I love you, good night. (thank goodness I am not that Alec
Tribec guy!)

Madam Z said...

Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure that photo is at least 20 years old. Only the tortoises in the Galapagos still look the same as they did 20 years ago.

Dr Zibbs said...

Thanks for all the comments people. I read some of them.

Dr Zibbs said...

Just kidding. I read them all.