So last night was the dinner club I was telling you about. Here are pics of the tasty Mexican food. Chicken enchiladas, beef enchiladas, black beans and asparagus salad. Very Delicious. Margaritas and Coronas were also consumed.

...And for those that want to see a photo of the Chiles Rellenos I made the other night..TA - DAAA. Now go microwave the Big Mac that's in the back of your fridge and eat it while looking at this food. If you use your imagination - maybe.. just maybe.. that Big Mac will taste a little bit better. To add some excitement to your life, prop up a pillow next to your TV tray and pretend you're dining with me...Dr Zibbs.
Yeeeeaaaah Boyyeee. Nice poblano!! What's the red pepper? And what are those casserole thingies on the stove? They look yummy!
Kimmie - the red peppers and the yellow pepper are 2 different hot pepper I had in my garden. The casseroles are actually the enchilladas
If only!
It looks like there's a green eye looking out at me from that bottom photo.
Is that an eyeball looking at me????
Holy crap. That looks so delicious. Mexican food is my all-time fave.
Mmmmm. I love me some enchiladas. Do you deliver?
Whoa, I'd have to skate extra hard after eating all that. Una mas margarita, por favor!
I recommend that people put a stethoscope on the pillow to help with the Dr. Zibbs illusion. I did, and we had a fantastic meal together the other night.
I love me some rellenos, but I'm way to lazy these days to make them.
Stuff a few in an envelope next time and send them my way, o.k?
Dipping a big mac in a pile of cow dung would make it taste better. I can only imagine what looking at your pictues does to it.
This looks so good. Mmmm...I'm hungry...
what are those casserole / lasagna lookin' things? I spot cheesy goodness..
The Chiles Rellenos look excellent. How about a quick blurb on how you made them?
BBQB - here's what I did:
Blacken peppers and remove skins, vein and seeds
In sauce pan, saute, fresh tomatoes, onion, garlic and spices of your choice. Move to seperate dish.
Add cheese into peppers (all I had on hand was velveeta but it was still delicious)
Dip outside of peppers in egg wash then flour. Carefull saute in Olive oil. Then put into tomatoe mixture.
Look at above comments from WC blogger Kimmie. I got the original recipe from her site.
Dining With Dr. Zibbs should be a new regular feature.
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