West Chester Bomber Named By West Chester Blog

There's been breaking news concerning the bombs planted in West Chester's Mosteller garage. The photos above show what authorities are calling a "person of interest." This person has been named as a bomb suspect. As one of the largest and definitely most loved news outlets in Chester County, That Blue Yak will now reveal the name of the suspect. Not that we know the identity, we just want to name him as in - a nickname..you know.
Based on his orange outfit and portly appearance, we give you: "Oran-JO" (copyright That Blue Yak) . We ask that all residents start referring to him as "Oran-Jo" and the incident as "The West Chester Garage Bomb Incident of 2008 - the Showdown."
And of course if anyone has information leading to his identity, please contact the ATF Hotline at 1-888-ATF-BOMB.
To view video of the Wednesday news conference, click here.
I love his mullet.
If that bomb had gone off, you would have had Mosteller Blues.
Hey. I just got your comment over at my place. Why aren't you saying anything? Did I upset you somehow? I really hope you're just playing with me. I'd have emailed but I can't find your addy.
Hmmm last time I checked, Orange isn't a huge fashion color this year. I hope someone recognizes him!!
Brought to you by: Reporter Yak
- Jennifer
Stay safe Dr. , stay safe
With Orange being the Tennessee Volunteer's color, you'd never find that dude here. People were orange, orange, orange. Orange hawaiian print, orange plaid, orange suspenders, you name it.
With Orange being the Tennessee Volunteer's color, you'd never find that dude here. People were orange, orange, orange. Orange hawaiian print, orange plaid, orange suspenders, you name it.
I know you people want me to stay safe but...well...being a hero and all...that's more important to me...and - the community.
He sticks out like a sore....orange or something!
Orange you glad that was not you walking the other way in the white.....with the fashionable bag?
I refuse to believe there's a single "person of interest" in West Chester.
Just kidding man. You da bomb.
Well, there goes naming my firstborn son Oran-Joe. It's way too close. Thanks for ruining things.
Chris - I heard you the first time.
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