My Self Portrait Rodney Dangerfield. Valuable Art. Dr Zibbs.
Today I got all arty and created a self portrait. The medium was pen.
I posted it on Twitter. Here's what it looked like:
A few people commented but the one comment that stood out was by Kristen*. She said that the more she looked at it, the more it looks like Rodney Dangerfield. And she's right. See:

The only thing is, I look nothing like Rodney. I guess I'm just a crappy artist? No, it couldn't be. Could it? There has to be some kind of in between.
Yeah. That's got to be it.
*And you should follow her blog because she's interesting. Do you hear that boring people? ...Not YOU..I'm talking about the boring people. Yeah YOU.
It has all the familiarity of Rodney, yet with the vibe of the Unibomber.
You know...I could never quite place who you looked like.
WestChesterdead - I swear I'm not making this up when I say that when the Unibomber sketch came out years ago I alway thought it looked a bit like me. Of course that was when I had a stache.
So maybe I AM a great artist.
Song of A T - Bull. You know I look nothing like Rodney.
oooh and I just realized that my fingernail is visible in the lower left corner of the art materpiece.
I can not stop laughing at the funniness that is this post and similarity. I am SO proud to have discovered it (if in fact no one did before). Remember what a ladies man RD was in Back to School? He got plenty o respect back in there.
But I swear I look nothing like him!
I need to get my real life friend @mcglinch to do a cartoon drawing of me. I actually still have a few he did of me in high school but now that I'm older - it really wouldn't count.
By the way. McGlinch is the one that did the art that is currently the wallpaper on my Twitter page.
That's nice art on your wallpaper. I like the flies. It would be swell if he would draw you now (with or without the flies).
No idea who Rodney Dangerfield is but your drawing is aanny resemblance. As long as you don't look like Nana Zibbs or blue that's an upgrade!
I think I saw a similar sketch on America's Most Wanted.
I've been thinking about this, and I could subsidize some of the cost of the lunch and art supplies if I were also able to attend. Two guys having lunch and then one of them drawing a picture of the other?? I mean, come on, you need at least one female at the table, don't you think? I would be very discreet and could sharpen crayons when needed.
Hey, looking like Rodney Dangerfield isn't so bad. (Much better than looking like one of those perp sketches on America's Most Wanted.)
Is that your thumb?
Kristen's blog is great - oh and yours is too!
I'm laughing because your sketch totally looks like Rodney, haha. From an artist's viewpoint, it's because you made the eyes so big and round. From my quirky viewpoint, that means you are basically a happy guy, and have a very "open" view towards the world.
You are welcome.
I was thinking it looked more like a menacing serial killer!
Diane - I know. It's pretty bad huh?
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