Friday, December 4, 2009

Worst Impressions. Gay Christmas. Julie Andrews.

What. The. Hell. Is. This?

Worst impressions ever.


Dr Zibbs said...

Hahahaha. Except the Julie Andrews and Judy Garland impressions do hold some hope with a bit of training.

Dr Zibbs said...

..this makes me want to record my terrible Ethel Merman impression.

Verdant Earl said...

I told Slyde that making this video was a bad idea...

Gwen said...

I don't know, his Cher wasn't terrible. But I still want that four minutes and 52 seconds of my life back.

Michelle said...

I lasted .42 seconds.

Sorry! Silly!

Chemgeek said...

After forcing me to watch that stupid thing, I hope you quit blogging soon. That was the supidist ever.

JenJen said...

Gosh. I'm totally bummed. I thought you'd be way more handsome than that.

So. Over. You.

Scope said...

I will have nightmares tonight.


Dr Zibbs said...

Maybe I'm really going mental. This is the worst video I've ever put on TBY.

That Kind of Girl said...

So, within the first three seconds it became apparent that this video was going to be waaay too cringe-inducing to watch, but I clicked through to see a second or two of each "impression" and ... omg. Not one of the impressions had anything to do with the celebrities it purportedly lampooned. I mean, maybe the Cher one had a glimmer of verisimilitude, but -- I mean, yikes.

Son of a Thomas said...

It kinda weird after reading the other comments because all I had to say was I gave up at 1:52.

Dr Zibbs said...

Son of A - I demand you to watch the entire thing.