West Chester Dance Fight Results
How do you really explain a dance fight if you weren't there? It's tough. If you haven't lived through one, it's kind of like going to war. Not Nam or the Big One, but like the Falklands War.
The event that happened last night at the Waltz Barn in West Chester cemented my dance gang, The Zibbs Tip Taps, as the premier dance fighting gang in all of Chester County. With that said, enjoy this artists rendering* of my crew on the way to the barn (click on the art to see it at a larger size. Pretend YOU'RE on the way to the fight. Go ahead, give it a try):*If anyone is interested in purchasing a limited edition print of "Next Stop, Dance Fight", I'll have them printed if I can order at least 1000 of them. It's really not worth my time to print any less. Maybe one of you could collect the money from the others, then just let me know when you have the 1000 orders. Also, I don't want to print over 5000 units because then the art goes from an investment to just a piece of fine art.
Please tell me no one got impaled on that fire hydrant. That would've been tragic.
I haven't seen street dancing this good since Christian Community Theater's production of West Side Story. Amazing.
Um, I tried clicking and the art didn't get bigger. Also, coworkers and I are good for 13 prints.
P.S. Is that you on the right with the queer cap, hairy chest and peg leg?
Jesus, Fawl, that's Heel Toe Heel Toe Tony. Keep up, woman!
Falwless: listen to MJenks - That's Heel Toe Heel Toe Tony. There's a link to him a few posts ago. Also, I don't know why picture isn't enlarging. Try using magifying glass.
Red: That's just us on the WAY to the fight. You should have seen the actual fight.
I would have definitely crossed the street if I was headed towards this determined-yet-fabulous gang of fleet-footed street tuffs.
Terrifying. Absolutely terrifying.
Is Heel Toe Heel Toe Tony a Siamese twin? I dig that. I dig the brothers keepin' it real together. Siamese twins are weird though. I mean they see each other's peeners all the damn time. That ain't right, truly.
Truly a masterpiece of artistic genius Doc.
Also, I don't know why picture isn't enlarging. Try using magifying glass.
You make me laugh with the DUMBEST things. I swear. I laughed aloud at that. And at the comment on my post today. And the comment on McGone's post. And Whiskey Marie's post. STOP BEING SO FUNNY PLEASE.
McGone: The image is pretty scary. Imagine it in real life?
Tony: Everyone seems to be confused about Heel Toe Heel Toe Tony. If you go back a few posts you will see his name with a link. Click it and you'll see him in all of his glory.
Falwless: Not to quote Ralph Malph but, "I still got it." (and I urge readers to see for yourselves by visiting the comments section of Whiskey Marie and McGone.
As long as they don't cost more than a dollar, I'm good for three of them.
I had a dance fight against myself this weekend and I dedicated it to the memory of Leo the Tard.
I won, in case you were wondering- and I TOTALLY KICKED ASS.
Gosh, I wish you had posted this while I was still with my friends in Chicago. I just KNOW those weirdos would've been good for 5 or 6 orders.
Also, are you pictured above? If so, which one are you? If not, please please post a picture or drawing of yourself. In dance mode would be best. Please and thank you.
It appears everybody cut everybody cut.
Where is the picture (and/or video) of you and Fal banging? Because that's what everyone is waiting for.
I'm using a magnifying glass to see every nuance of the art. I'm seeing a lot of nuances!
Well, I've gotten 957 orders so far, but I'm friggin' exhausted and I need to take a break.
I'm in...I'll send my $1 to who ever is collecting money. Love a good street dance fight.
In other news, put down the magnifying glass when you get to Micgar's avatar. Just a tip.
Also, I'm laughing my ass off at Miller. Niiice.
@Trinalikeswine Are those topless women with short hair, or men with breasts? Need some clarification before I invest in a print...
Trinalikewine - those are men. With incredible pecs.
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