Wednesday, February 25, 2009

American Idol's Simon Cowell Critiques The Brady Kids On Sunshine Day.

OK. I know most of you gay blades are watching American Idol* so here's something to watch at the commercial. It's the Brady's Bunch kids doing Sunshine Day followed by my interpretation of the American Idol judges reviewing them.

Randy: Hey - yeah. Oh I don't know dogs. There was something going on there but....I don't know. It was way pitchy too. Way pitchy dude.

Kara: I'm sorry. It needs work. There's something there but....

Paula: I think that there is...something there but....I mean the outfits are cute - a bit of 70's style that was kind of cool - but I don't know. You guys have something - you just need to go back and put it together a bit.

Simon: (looks at other judges) Are you out of your God damned fucking minds? What the hell was that? .....Where do I even start? The singing, the dancing, the clothes? This must be a joke. I can say without a doubt that the coreography was the worst I've seen in my life. The cheerful sappiness then you go into the fake serious part of the song and then the younger boy with the least talent comes to the forefront for a solo? Are you out of your....THAT'S IT. I QUIT!!!

*I'm watching American Idol too but for research purposes.


Dr Zibbs said...

P.S. check out the training bra holding in the buds on Marsha.

Cora said...

Gay blade? Who ya callin' "gay blade," gay blade?!

(actually that's kinda fun to say! Hee hee.)

Pearl said...

I'm so glad you're watching AI (for research purposes) because I just can't bring myself to.

Dr Zibbs said...

Cora - "gay blade" is an oldie but a goodie. From back in the day when you would call someone a gay blade but had no idea what the word gay even meant.

Shawn said...

Buahahaha! Now I know who you are! You are Ryan Seacrest! Only he could nail those AI judges down as well as you just did and I noticed that there was conveniently no dissing of ole Ryan!

I'm off to do my happy dance. I know who the Blue Yak is! Lalalalala La!

Alpha Stone said...

I'll take the Brady kids any day over the warbling melismatic flights of octave showboating on AI.

C'mon Zibbs, dig the sunshine!

Regardez Moi said...

ahaha, that was hilarious.

i dont watch american idol anymore, i can't take it. unless i start watching it, then i become addicted. its' just on too damn much - it starts consuming my entire week!

Michelle said...

I don't know about you Dr Z but I plan on having a sunshine day!!!

They suck, but sunshine days are perfecto!!!

Moooooog35 said...

FYI - there's goo splashed all over the video of Marsha.

Hold on.

It's my own monitor.


Belle said...

You are such a bloody pervert Zibbs. And I thought Randy said 'dawg' not dog!

Candy's daily Dandy said...

Simon would never say fuck...atrocious is his favorite adjective.

diane said...

Who was the perve nodding his head and smiling? Pedi alert!
Why wasn't Jan allowed to dress like Marsha? It must be tough being the "not so pretty" sister.

Cameron said...

I watch it, but only for the 'train wreck' performances.

Wings1295 said...

C'mon this Brady performance was 100 times better than some of the singing on IDOL last night!

And I USED to watch IDOL with my wife and kids. Last night, I realized was watching alone. What the... when did... argh...

Anonymous said...

You have Paula down to an art. It would have been great to really see the judges rip on the Brady Bunch. Oh, good times.

Dr Zibbs said...

Candy - but you see - he was so fed up he HAD to say it.

Dr Zibbs said...

Candy - but you see - he was so fed up he HAD to say it.

Anonymous said...

LOL. I heart Simon.

Anonymous said...

We watch it at my house for family bonding. It's the one show without Viagra commercials we all "study for research purposes". Kara would tell Marcia she has a nice face, then Paula would tell her the camera loves her. Simon would then rip into the lot of them. In futile effort to be noticed, Jan would beg to go to Hollywood. Cindy would bitch slap Jan.

LYDIA said...

I love Simon... the only person I didn't care for last night was that bald guy. His song was boring and he kept doing this odd thing with his hands. I hope he doesn't continue on in the competition.

BeckEye said...

Not enough drunken babbling in Paula's critique to be believable.

By the way, this has nothing to do with your post, but my newest nephew was born today. His initials are ZIB, so my Dad said he's going to nickname him Zib. I feel like it's a slippery slope to Zibbs or Zibbsy, so I may have to talk everyone out of this for the child's own good.

Lisa-tastrophies said...

You nailed it dawg!! especially Simon. Gawd what I wouldn't give to hear him say that in real life :-)

Dr Zibbs said...

Beckeye - Just Google, "Dr Zibbs" and print the results. That should change their minds.

J. Hi said...

You make me laugh--HA!

Fancy Schmancy said...

This is very funny, obviously you watch enough Idol that you know how to nail them perfectly!

I always preferred queer-bait to gayblade.

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