Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Spongebob Mashup Video Big Balls. ACDC. Cartoon Fun.

I love ACDC but the song "I've Got Big Balls" has got to be one of the stupidest songs in rock and roll ever.

Not that I don't crank up and sing it out loud every time I hear it but it's just so stupid. The lyrics that are supposed to be clever, the way he's sings it in that sing/talk royalty voice - just everything about it. It's a love hate thing.

As regular TBY readers may know, I love video mashups on the Youtube. Here's a great mashup that someone did using ACDC's "I've Got Big Balls" and Spongebob Squarepants. Pretty good editing here.


MakingChanges said...

Just found your blog. Love it. This was dang funny!

Big Hair Envy said...

Thanks for visiting today. I hope you'll be back soon;)

Personally, I like to SCREAM "Hiiiwwaaaay to Heeelll" at the top of my lungs while driving with the windows down. The balls song? Not so much...!

Anonymous said...

Can't say I've ever liked Spongebob (never watched it actually it's banned in my house). Interesting song, lol!

Candy's daily Dandy said...

That's one hell of a Big Ball Theory.

Believe it or not, I have never heard that song before. My bad.

Dr Zibbs said...


Samsmama said...

That was definitely some excellent editing! But I had to shut the volume off about a minute in. I simply cannot tolerate that song. Spongebob is the shit.

Peggy said...

Unfortunately, having three brothers, I know that song all too well.

I'll be honest here, with an 11, 7 and 3 year old I've become completely intolerant of Spongebob. I cringe when I hear the opening Ooooooh, who lives in a pineapple....makes me want to jump through a plate glass window like Helen Hunt in that After School Special when she was on angel dust. So I'm gonna skip the video for now.

Suburbia Steph said...

I like the Spongebob/Eminem ones..

Dr Zibbs said...

Peggy - HAHAHAHA. Great After School Special reference. That had me laughing out loud.

Anonymous said...

Banned, as in I'd rather die than watch Spongebob. And we don't have tv actually :)

(Okay not that we never have had tv and we do have dvds, we aren't that weird, but our satellite broke and we just don't feel like replacing it).

Michele said...

That was too funny.

words...words...words... said...

Most excellent. Incongruent mashups are always a good idea.

Fancy Schmancy said...

I happen to love both Sponge Bob and that song. Together = joy in my heart. Thanks, Zibbsy, you made my night.

Dr Zibbs said...

Fancy - I'm glad you said that. I think I'm a pretty good judge of what you like.

~E said...

Spongebob and big balls?

One word...