Monday, May 18, 2009

Blogs, Link Love, And How To Make Friends In The Blog World.

I've been blogging for a while. And I've always made it a point to write posts about other blogs that I like. Most people that have been reading my blog for a while know that I've been really generous when it comes to the amount of bloggers that I link to in posts.

And it's not just so they'll link back to me. Even though they do. I really do love to watch a blog that has nobody reading it start to grow. And even though I write all this crazy stuff, I love the people that are writing these posts. It's such a part of my life now. Nothing like being out and around and having a bunch of comments to read on my blackberry.

It took me ages to have people read my blog. If you look at the early days of my blog - nobody was reading it. Nobody. I'd write a post then ask, "What do you think?" (cricket, cricket) But all it really took was to start commenting on other blogs.

So here's a post from Candy that really made me feel great. Really great. To view it, click here.

And on a related note. Are you a lurker or someone that hasn't left a comment in a while? Go ahead, leave one now.


Lana said...

ahhh, it's been a while zibbs. i must say you are definately great at spreading the love around. it's always refreshing to find someone who has something nice to say :)

Unknown said...

Commenting on other's blogs is the way to go, plus you get to 'meet' people. Like you, no one was reading my blog in the beginning and I guess we all start out that way. Good on you for posting links to others!

R.o.c.k.e.t.D.o.g said...

Great post, Doc., and i like Candy's post about you too.. Ahh!, let's get a drink!

Kat said...

Half the fun of blog world is commenting. Although I have been a little lazy as of late about leaving comment love. I will head over to Candy's post and check it out!

Becky said...

I don't think I've commented before (I only found your blog in the past few months), but I like seeing what you have to say each day. Thanks for being entertaining!

Anonymous said...

Zibbs, I haven't commented in a while, so I just thought I'd say that I (still) love your blog. That is all.

sybil law said...

I don't comment as much as I read, that's for sure!
You're awesome. :)

Candy's daily Dandy said...

I said it before and I will say it again..
I love you Zibsy. I really do.

Jodi said...

I just found your blog via Fancy and find your "randomness" very entertaining!

Dr Zibbs said...

Candy - you know in some cultures people show love by...Oh nevermind.

Jodi - welcome to my blog.

Michele R said...

You once left a comment on my blog when I wrote about all those good worms in the ground gretting ready for spring planting. Now I have a gardening question for you. I planted tomato plants in the same area I had them in last year. They are not growing very well. They don't look sick....just not terrific. However, my pepper plants look great, and they are in a new area. Is it true I should have moved my tomato plants to a new area?

Dr Zibbs said...

Michele - you should have moved the plants but it's probably too late because the roots are probably established.

Try some miracle grow. Also, if you have some grass clippings, put them around the base of the plants (after they've sat in a pile for about a week).

Also, make sure to pinch off the tiny shooters.

Dominica said...

So great to see a blog become 'well read' worked hard for it and you keep up the good posts...
It's hard sometimes - they're are days you could write 3 items at the same time and days you seem to have writer's block...
You seem to manage a continuity in your writing ; says enough (= you're a great writer..)
Keep it up !!

Amy Jo said...

I'm a new-ish reader and occasional commenter. I've been planning a fun linky post for the future, and you will definitely be included!

Dr Zibbs said...

Dominica -Thanks! I try to keep a list of ideas to write about so I'm always prepared. Like a boyscout.

Amy Jo - Nice.

Candy's daily Dandy said...

There is some pixie-dust magic being sprinkled over at my place today! My point exactly.

Thank you.

Cameron said...

Zibbs - I don't know how you do it, but how come all the hot chicks are hanging out over here? You got a 12 inch....monitor or something?

Peggy said...

Ok, I'll de-lurk to say that I enjoy your blog! Hahaha!'re also hilarious!

Dr Zibbs said...

Cameron - Like I said before, you either got it or you don't. And I my friend - have it. Whatever IT is.

Now you...may have it young fella. I may be able to teach you some of my secrets. Maybe I'll put together a correspondence class and mail you a pamphlet with tips every few weeks.

How much money you got?

Or maybe I could just write a post about it.

Or how about this? Email me some question and I'll email the answers. Feel free to post them.

Prunella Jones said...

I'm on to you, Zibbs. I know your real agenda is to start a cult. Like Charles Manson or David Koresh only less psycho, and probably featuring lots of free love.

Sign me up!

Cameron said...

Let's see, I ask you questions, you answer them???

That sounds practically like an interview Zibbsy. Zibbsy, may I interview you (he asks shyly)?

The Jules said...

There are quite a few positive, encouraging comments about getting your blog up and running, and about entering the blogosphere in general.

What no-one does is shout "Run! Before you get sucked in! Live! LIIIIIVE!"

Then its too late and you realise blogging (both reading and writing) is more addictive than chocolate coated crack.

Wings1295 said...

I enjoying blogging, too. Post whatever and don't worry about who is reading or not. Not enough time for worries like that!

I also enjoy reading other's blogs, as well. Don't feel the need for them to follow me, as well, but it IS always cool when I see my "followers number" go up. :)

And I love your blog!

Michelle said...

Love you Dr Z!!

Love you TBY!!!

Anonymous said...

I lurk here mostly, and throw a comment now and then. But I always forget to look back to see if there were replying comments. I suck, I know.

I'm going to make a post of blogs I read on a regular basis from my reader. Maybe later today. :)

Peggy said...

De-lurking again to say that Cameron interviewing you would be brilliant! You two should interview each other. And then kiss..wait what?

Girl Interrupted said...

Whatever small success I have achieved I will happily and openly give you credit for, Dr Z you've written some really nice things about me and my blog in the recent past and my number of followers trebled as a result.

I've also found a lot of my favourite blogs via yours. (Peggy and I were talking about this earlier)

I would gladly sing your praises in my posts every week, but I'm scared the others will pick on me and call me a brown-nosed little suck-up, so I have to pace my adoration of you.

I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm rather fond of you and will happily join your cult ... but only if there's plenty of free love.

Fancy Schmancy said...

The love is truly deserved over here, my friend.

Dr Zibbs said...

Cameron - yes. That's waht an interview is. Email me the questions friend.

Girl I - the love is free but I do ask for a desposit. Just in case any of the lotions go missing.

Also, when you see your followers have "trebled" is that a spelling error or a Star Trek reference?

J.J. in L.A. said...

I left you a comment on Scope's 'panty' post.

I double-dog dare ya! ; )

Dr Zibbs said...

Get it "trebled" as in the trebles? Or were the spelled "tribbles"?

j.sterling said...

first time reader.. first time commenter. i want a brownie. not really, it will go straight to my hips. :)

Samsmama said...

I love how in the middle of all the comments it became a "how to" on gardening. Entertaining. Informative. This blog has it all.

Kristina P. said...

I don't think anyone has a built in audience from the beginning. I've been blogging for a little over a year, and have a decent readership now.

But since you left a comment on my blog, I then come over here and find your funny blog! Yay for blog friends!

Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

What nice mutual admiration! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I have noooooo idea how you found me, but after looking over your blog and the list you read, I think I've found my people!
Fuck You, Penguin??!! Seriously!

Chris said...

Totally agree with you, Zibbs. Leave comments, join a couple sites like Humor Bloggers or Blog Catalog, and just make connections. Fun stuff!


(Oh and don't forget to throw your URL around like it's a flyer for a yard sale. That helps too.)

Vic said...

I will always be a big Dr. Z fan, not only because of your genius and excellently shiny hair, but also because my visitor count climbed like crazy after you linked to my blog. I heart you.

Dr Zibbs said...

Jenster, Kristina P and Vivienne - welcome to my famous blog.

Vic - Thanks. Except my reports show that your commenting has been a bit down. Just sayin'.

Dr Zibbs said...

...and Samsmama - I guess it is pretty funny how gardenting tips worked their way in isn't it?

FunnyGal KAT said...

Oh, THAT'S how to make friends in the blogging world?!? I've been leaving tons of comments and emails asking for the writer's home phone number and more personal information than what they posted. But maybe your way works too... I may have to try it.

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

Great idea! I've done the linking thing a couple of times to blog friends I really love, and I was thinking it's time to do it again.

Phat Mama said...

It wasn't until you gave me a Friday send off shout that my blog started slowly growing.

I'm truly so grateful.

And in return for that, and because you (have a big penis) are so entertaining, I have shouted back, many times.

Thanks, Zibbs!

slopmaster said...

realy is true that to be read you must read, but some of them as SOO boring. Plus, I am in Africa! once a week or so for internet, not to mention electricity, so how the heck can I comment on everyone who's out there posting dauly!?

mo.stoneskin said...

Dammit can't a guy lurk in peace?!


jessica o said...

Mo, every time I see you pint, I want to reach through the monitor.

My kids and I are going cheese biting this weekend. I'll post pics!

Sorry, good doctor. This is about you. Reciprocal blog love is lovely.

"The love you take is slightly more than the love you make." John Lemon

Okay, I made that up.

Dr Zibbs said...

Slop - I agree. Many of the blogs are very boring.

Thirtysomething said...

MUWAHHHHH (evil grin) This is me, lurking! Cheers

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

I couldn't get pass the crush you have on cameron or the crush he has on you to read the rest of the comments!!! :)

Girl Interrupted said...

Ha! Nice trekkie reference!

"The Trouble With Tribbles" happens to be my fave ever Star Trek episode and I'm going to stop typing now before I completely reveal myself to be a sad dork :/

Ps: The deposit is in the mail x

PPs: wv is "spotredi" ... sounds fittingly kinky

Dr Zibbs said...

Spotredi? I'm submitting that as a creature on the next Star Trek movie. It'll be a combination Gorn and Yeti.

Michele R said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mr London Street said...

I haven't left a comment for a while. So here is a comment.