Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Want To Make Me A Blog Header? Contest Alert. Graphic Designers Needed.

I'm getting sick of my blog header. In case you're wondering, that's a picture of my deck and the racket is an electric tennis racket I use to kill wasps.

Anyways, I need a new header. Whenever I see great headers like on Avitable's blog or Whiskey Marie's blog (she changes it every few weeks) or Lilu's blog I get really jealous.

So how would YOU like to design my new header. If you want to, here's what to do:

- Design it and make sure it says "THAT BLUE YAK" clearly.

- Make sure that you save it in a format that's easy for me to open AND easy for me to put on my blog.

- And here's the great part - (talking like Ted Knight from Caddyshack): And why don't you just put "blog header designed by 'Your blog name here'" up there on the header too? hmmmm? Hmmmm? This way you'll get some advertising for your blog.

- I will leave the header up for at least two weeks! But I get kind of lazy so I may leave it up for months! Can you imagine?

- For the super lazy, just leave your header idea in the comments section. I encourage readers to steal the ideas and make them into a That Blue Yak noble creation.

And for the losers, you can post your losing header on your blog and I'll write a special post linking to it. Who knows, maybe I'll eventually use them all.

How about we say the deadline is Saturday (May 30) 5:00 PM - Eastern time. My email is in my profile. Just make sure to write "TBY header contest" in the subject line and the name of your blog in the subject.

And one more thing, make sure it's something that can be viewed by people at work. No naked people. I do have the right to say there are no winners you know. If you have any questions, ask me in the comments section.

And ready....go!


rachaelgking said...

Interesting. I've made quite a few, now... I might be persuaded...

Dr Zibbs said...

Lilu - I dare you.

Dr Zibbs said...

Double dare you.

rachaelgking said...

Triple dog?

Dr Zibbs said...

Lilu - let me check with my staff.

(turns to check with staff)

You're on!

Whiskeymarie said...

You'll be jealous to know that one of my readers designed all of my fancy new headers and my new background for me.

Honestly, though- I can't do this techmologimacal crap myself- I'm like a penguin with a typewriter when it comes to that stuff.

Cameron said...

Zibbsy - I'm on it. I'll need an extreme close-up photo of your junk (don't worry, I'll fade it in so it's PG), 15 feet of pink yarn, some kitten fur, and a magnifying glass.

diane said...

I don't have a header. Is that a bad thing?

Mr. Condescending said...

do you want a blue yak? im in.

Anonymous said...

A fairly decent free program for this type of thing is You can take a picture and add text, effects whatever. I made my own for my kids site.

Avitable said...

All I know how to do is put pictures of people eating ice cream with murderous dictators.

Dr Zibbs said...

Mr Condescending - No. It doesn't have to have a Blue Yak but it could. Just look inside your heart.

Blogging Mama A- Thanks. I will check that out.

Kurt said...

I tried getting help by asking for it and then I tried to offer sexual favors for it and then I got a flurry of restraining orders.

Jennifer and Sandi said...

Easy Peasy!

- Jennifer

Lostinspace said...

And all this time I thought the racket was the back of a chair. I guess we see what we want to see.

Jennifer and Sandi said...

All done...go check your email!

Fun stuff!

- Jennifer

Dr Zibbs said...

Lost in Space - as if my thrown would be made out of cheap plastic and metal.

Jennifer - Received it. It looks great!

Slyde said...

ive always been one for a nice simple header, obviously.

my blog header took me all of 2 minutes to do, and ive used it for years now.

Esmé Glass said...

I don't even know how to make a header for my own blog. Or publish a post. Or turn on a computer. Yet somehow, there be Smell The Glove.

I am so incredibly confused at this moment.

Mr. Condescending said...

Zibbs I can't find your email.

Dr Zibbs said...

Mr C (aka Bosley - get it? Tom Bosley?...Mr Cunningham??)

My email address is Lebner1 AT (without the extra o's) I'm writing it that way so the spam robots don't get my email address for their spammer purposes.

MakingChanges said...

Wish I was brilliant, but alas, I am not, so there will be no entry from me. However, if you get an entry that is too girly, throw it my way.

Anonymous said...

I suggest that you use my idea - take a picture of your own mouth. Make it look all artsy by using the free software on picnik. Ta da!

Mr. Condescending said...

Sent zibbs (from trailerfun gmail)

Dr Zibbs said...

Tova - I don't think your lips can be topped. You do have a great header.


Dominica said...


At least you got a head !!

Vic said...


(that's the sound of genius at work.)

Dr Zibbs said...

UPDATE: a few have trickled in. And note that you don't have to be a designer. The winner could be the biggest piece of crap. Seriously.

Dr Zibbs said...

And by piece of crap, I mean that it looks so crappy like it was drawn by someone who was trying but failed terribly. But as they hit "send" they had a feeling of victory - as if they could really win, but everyone else was standing around them looking at the mess that they called art and tried not to laugh.

Is that a bit more clear?

Jennifer and Sandi said...

Clear as mud.

BTW, Larry and I tried your BBQ sauce last night. Sweet Baby Ray's ROCKS!

Thanks for the PSA!

Have ya tried the Famous Dave's "Devil Spit" yet???

Out - Jennifer

Blonde Goddess said...

I'm not creative!
I can barely dress myself and you want me to make a headline?


(ok...I'll THINK about it...but I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you.)

Anonymous said...

How 'bout a Fresca?

Moooooog35 said...

I found the perfect one for you at

You look like Wolf Blitzer, right? least you do in my dreams.

Reach around, Wolf...reach around.


Totally went the gay route there.

Girl Interrupted said...

Awww ... wish I knew how to make one, but I'm sadly technologically challenged :(

I could draw you a bitchin picture with crayons though!

Vic said...

Okay, sent you one. Let me know if it gets Lost in Space (pop culture reference for you.)

Fancy Schmancy said...

Wait, are there prizes like that last contest I entered and never received anything? No, I'm not ever going to let that go. I think I'll use the same picture for your new header, as a matter of fact. Even better, you should use the picture of those breasteses as your new header!

FunnyGal KAT said...

Oh, I like the idea of a contest... but I have no talent for creating headers. Could I have the second place winner for my blog? Except it shouldn't say "That Blue Yak"-- that would be too confusing. And I guess it wouldn't really be fair for someone to enter to have their work shown here and then get banished over to my place.

How about this-- if anyone submits a header to your creation that says "Funny Gals" in it, can I have it?

jadedj said...

Done. If you don't use it, I am. And changing my blog's name to That Blue Yak.

Anonymous said...

We need specs. Sheesh, what do you think this is? I guess I'll try to figure out the dimensions on my own.

Dr Zibbs said...

Kimmie - I'm too lazy for that and it's also making me nervous. If I get a jpg or pdf I can at least bring it into CorelDraw and manipulate it.

Look at me getting all technical.

jadedj said...

Holy shit dude. Not to steal Kimmie's thunder, but jpeg is what you want. You don't want to convert it to anything else.

Kimmie...the critical dimension is the width. The one he has now is 730, which is a tad too wide. Make it 700 by whatever, and everything will be copasetic.

The above info was typed with the greatest of love and semi-humility.

Dr Zibbs said...

Jadedj - thanks. My fear now is that the winning image will not be able to be put on my blog.

That's why I overthink everything. Because when I underthink, things go wrong.

jadedj said...

Another thought. Perhaps a large, white rectangle would say it all. No thinking required. I don't think it's been done, and I would be glad to lay that out for you. Anything to stay in your good graces, sire *grovel, grovel, grovel*

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jaded :) Yeah the fact that his current banner is off center is totally screwing with my Libra scales.

jadedj said...

Oh man, Libra...Ich bin ein Libra also. Which, of course, means nothing.

Oh yeah, it is off center, but hey dude, Zibbs is off center. See what I mean?

Dr Zibbs said...

And the contest is closed.

Many great designs sent in.