Monday, December 7, 2009

Nuttin' For Christmas Is A Great Album. Puppets. Crappy.

Kristen, over at the new West Chester blog Enough Hats for Everyone just wrote a post about Christmas Albums .

I love some of the old covers. So I did a quick search of Christmas album covers and look at the gem I found:

It's Kenny And Corky! I have no idea who they are but just look at how craptacular they are! They're just sitting there singing Christmas carols. Look at em' go!

And look at the title. Instead of "Nothing" for Christmas, it's called "Nuttin'" for Christmas.

I need to find this album and make it a new family listening favorite.


JenJen said...

there's a faint outline of a cup that sat on Corky's head for a lil too long. Maybe it was Kenny's ear. Fucker's huge.

I need to get out of the house.

Dr Zibbs said...

JenJen - I did notice that freakish ear too. Freaky.

Kristen said...

Why is Kenny putting a mouse in Corky's pocket? Or is Kenny stealing Corky's mouse? And is Kenny a monkey? I have more questions, but basically I just wish this was part of my collection. Thanks for sharing and for the mention.

ChesterCo_PA said...

I think both Corky and Kenny are dead on. They are totally getting some "nuttin" for Christmas. Just a hunch.

Dr Zibbs said...

Yeah they do look monkeyish don't they.

A and B said...

This is disturbing on so many levels I don't even know where to begin. hahaha Wait, they're supposed to be kids, right? With the rosy cheeks and noses, these kids looks like drunks. I won't even comment on "Nuttin for Christmas" and is that a mouse crawling in his pocket or is he just happy to see me?

diane said...

Aside from the fact that they are both creepy in a "Night Gallery" kind of way, I find the cover to be quaint.

word ver. ingsheri - pig latin for "I've been hitting the sherry a little early today".

Swirl Girl said...

where is suzie snowflake these days? LOL!

Michelle said...


UberGrumpy said...

Bonkers. Love it.

Dr Zibbs said...

Diane - Night Gallery. Nice.

And Michelle, I'll check that link out shortly

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure but I think these guys are related to Chucky. Red hair, demonic eyes,and they're dolls.

Why is the one on the left (Corky?) putting a dead white rat in the others pocket? Because they are EVIL!

And where is Suzy Snowflake? Chopped up in little pieces and buried in a shallow grave by the train tracks I'll bet.

"Nuttin for Christmas". Well give 'em a lethal injection or at least life (how long do evil puppets live?).

Merry X-mas everyone!

Dr Zibbs said...

Ryoki Nor - I think you're on to something!