Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I Wonder If Bloggers Would Pay Me For Advertising

So I told the blogger Tova Darling the other day I would write a post showing her Etsy stuff*. I like her and told her I would do it for free if she wanted. But it got me thinking that maybe I should reserve one spot on the sidebar for bloggers that want to promote something. Let's say it was Etsy products or Ebay stuff. Or someone just wanted to promote their blog or leave a big ass message on this life changing blog o'mine. Like a birthday message or marriage proposal for someone.

What do you think would be a fair price? $10 for a week? That's sounds fair to me. And I'm talking a big ole' spot like the size of H's condom covered fingers you see over to the right.

So..uh....does anyone want to promote anything?

*It's actually now on the sidebar of her site so check it out. And I don't want tons of freeloaders now coming out of the closet asking me to write posts about their stuff. Geeez. Have some respect. But if you do have stuff on Etsy feel free to leave a link in the comments because I would like to check it out. But please - no yarn and Popsicle stick art.


saratogajean said...

Perhaps you've heard? I'm a 22-year old graduate student selling my virginity at the Bunny Ranch to the highest bidder. Currently the highest bid is $3.2 million, but I'm pretty sure the finger condoms can help me push it over the $4 million mark.

Natalie Dylan

Anonymous said...

PS - don't think I've forgotten about that. :) I think I'm going to do a giveaway in conjunction with it, so I'm getting that ready.

SkylersDad said...

I was all excited until I read no Popsicle stick art...

Damn the luck anyway!!!

Tash said...

Yes, I would like to promote world peace and the end of poverty. How much for that?

Dr Zibbs said...

Tish Tash - That will be $10.

Mel O said...

You sure do have a LOT of ads these days...

I miss the old days... where it was just H's finger condoms and Nana Zibbs. Now I've got to try to resist spending money when I come here? Sheesh! What's next? Dr. Zibbs bobble heads?

Dr Zibbs said...

Melo but look at the Amazon ads. Those are all hand picked by me. Do you now understand how much I care? Maybe I need to put up some huge crucifix earrings to match the necklace one you're considering for your Avatar. Hmmmm...

Jennifer and Sandi said...

Well I won't bore you with the handmade jewelry and soldered pendants I sell. I don't have any up on EBay right now because soldering in a closed craft room in the WINTER is not a smart move. Wait... forget the cancer warning..maybe it's a cheap high?

Your super to promote ppl's stuff. Super I tell ya, just super!!

Happy Wednesday!
- Jennifer

Chemgeek said...

I'd pay $10 to advertise the fact that I paid $10 to tell everyone I spent $10 on that spot.

I'd say:

"I spent $10 on this spot. What did you spend $10 on? Crack? You stupid crack-whore."

Mel O said...

Damn you, Zibbs! I was going to an 80's cover band show... The look I was going for was GLAM-ROCK


Gwen said...

I've got a bag of toenail clippings I've been wanting to unload.

Anonymous said...

Do you suppose there's a market for my cat's hairballs?

Andy - Instafather said...

I'd like a $10 ad to say that I could use $10. That might be counterproductive.

H said...

Sweet! I have had months of free advertising here.

FINGER CONDOMS $10 - For $15 you can practice on Zibbs.

Morgan the Muse said...

aw, but yarn and Popsicle is my specialty!

Anonymous said...



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