Friday, January 2, 2009

Olives, Almonds and Cheese Is A Tasty Snack

Here's a random tasty snack I found on my computer. Salted almonds, cheese and feta and garlic stuffed olives*. Note the toothpick that's stabbed into the cheese. I like to use it to keep the oil off off my precious hands while eating but some of you fatties may want to use this idea to keep less going into your pie hole. Just a friendly tip. Tubby.

*I get my olives locally at the Downingtown Wegmans fresh bar. Can anyone recommend bottled olives? Are they as fresh? Also, this is boring sharp cheddar. Does anyone have any cheese recommendations?


Moooooog35 said...

dude - you found all this shit on your computer?

Don't you ever clean your house?


Jalapeno Havarti and Kalamata olives. YES!

Anonymous said...

Interesting. But I hate olives. I'm not too keen on almonds, either.

Just for you, I'll post my craigslist tips on my blog next week. Stay tuned!

Dr Zibbs said...

Thanks Tova.

Lisa-tastrophies said...

The Kamatra Olives are the best. They even make the best Olive Paste. GREAT on crackers & served with vodka drinks. Just enough salt to make you retain that much needed hangover releaving water you will need the next day.
Cheese ~ LOVE the guda and anything with a hearty smoky flavor. Then again, any girl who says guda is favorite might not be the one you want to take foodie advice from...

H said...

Buy the olives prestuffed with blue cheese or gorgonzola...yummy.

Verdant Earl said...

If you have the availability of a fresh olive bar at your grocer then there is nothing that can be found in the jarred section that will come close.

As for cheeses I love me a nice Wensleydale. Sometimes it is available with cranberries in it. Very nice, but probably only available at a cheese shop.

Anonymous said...

I eat like this almost every night (I'm NOT exaggerating). I'm a cheese slut, so I have lots of recommends, it just depends what you're drinking. I love good stinky cheeses with the right wine, and mild cheeses if I'm eating some fatty, spicy meat. Is it happy hour yet?

Chris said...

Damn, you have the best servants, Dr. Z.

A tip? Get BBQ Bachelor to smoke you up some cheeses and almonds. Fontinia and swiss are excellent.

Gwen said...

A very Mediterranean plate, my friend. De-lish!

Gwen said...

I picked up a small wedge of this Flemish cheese and love it - creamy with a nice mild flavor.

Gwen said...

Oooh! I just found a little chunk of this Dutch cheese left in the fridge and it was good, too. I got the 1-year - it was harder and sharper than the vlaskaas.

J.J. in L.A. said...

I hate olives and almonds. I LOVE CHEESE!

Preferably Provolone.

~E said...

that would be a great snack...if the olives didn't look like little poo nuggets.

alexa @clevelandsaplum said...

in my opinion the sharper and stinkier the cheese the better. feta is always a win in my book as well.

Dr Zibbs said...

Chris - I saw that smoked cheese on BBQB's blog. I'm gonna try that.

Gwen - thanks for the cheese recommendations.

Fancy Schmancy said...

I recommend my cousin's MIL straight from Italy for all stuffed olive inquiries. Also, her canned eggplant with olive oil, garlic and onions. And her smoked venison and wine sausage. And, oh my f'ing god, her homemade red wine. I've never even met the woman and I want to be adopted by her, and I'm not even Italian!

. said...

My computer hide every kind of food as well...I have breakfast by it(and somtimes on it)..yeah, that's disgusting to think about..but I have to use every little bit of time to read all those lovely blogs!

Crushed olive and garlic from Malaga,Spain, and bits of parmesan and Manchego cheese!Yummy!

Moderator said...

I could skip the almonds.

I hope there is a glass of wine or beer nearby. Or at least a martini to soak the olives in.

Anonymous said...

Hey I had those plates! Ex got em in the divorce. Tell me why a man would want those for himself?

TMC said...

Butterkase! It's delightful! :)

dguzman said...

Dude, does your Wegman's have the almond-stuffed olives? HOLY GOD they're good.

Dr Zibbs said...

Dguzman - they sure do have almond stuffed olives.