Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Idea For The Best Blog Ever - Stalker Style

OK. So here's my idea for what would be a great blog. (By reading further you're agreeing not to steal this idea).

- I find a person to stalk.

- I find about 200 people that are willing to take pictures and blog about this person. (You guys. If you agree to relocate to Chester County, PA).

- We write about about and take photos of everything this sad sack does.

So let's say his name is Fred Sweeny. Some of the bloggers live near him, others drive the same route to work as him, others work with him. But someone in every area of this life is stalking him.

Then what happens is people write every detail about him. Almost like the scrutiny that a celebrity gets.

"So, Fred usually gets the farmer's breakfast at the DK Diner. For some reason he only got pancakes today. Is her worried about his weight?"

"Fred usually chooses stall two at work but today he went for stall three. And according to an insider - who pretended to leave the bathroom after washing his hands - it looks like Mr Sweeny likes to sing while he's taking a dump. But sing, 'It's Raining Men?' - Whatever."

"Driving behind Fred today on Boot Road near Phoenixville Pike one must wonder, can he afford tissues? I guess not, given the display I saw. Puul-ease!"

Once I get 199 people to agree to this, I'm totally considering doing this. Yeah. I am.


Adriana said...

Hmm I think they already made a movie like that (The Truman Show)? I'm just sayin...

LegalMist said...

Is this your way of telling us you've discovered our "That Blue Yak" stalker tell-all blog, where the news is all-Zibbs, all-the-time?

Dr Zibbs said...

Adriana - I knew people were going to think it was too close to the Truman Show. Once you move to Chester County and pay your non-refundable deposit fo being involved I'll explain to you how it is totally different.

Don't wait. There are only 199 spots left.

Candy's daily Dandy said...

HAHAHAAHAHA! Zibsy, you are a blogger genius.

Dr Zibbs said...

Legal Mist - Bwhahahahhaha. Good One!

(looks around then closes blinds and hides under desk. Begins to shiver).

SkylersDad said...

You obviously haven't located the web cams we all have placed around your fortress of solitude.

Whiskeymarie said...

After a similar situation to this one, I am legally prohibited to participate in such activities.

I told Prince that I was just a really big fan and I was really really sorry, but that little dude didn't understand AT ALL. Court order- my ass.

Robot Nine said...

I have purchased my non-refundable one way ticket to Chester County International Airport.

So totally not Truman Show. This is not big business network stuff. Our multi-million dollar investment was taken care of by the Google guys,. This will be low-budget, stealth paparazzi action!!!

Legal troubles> Please, that's for other people to worry about.

"It's Raining Men"? Sorry Zibbs, I'm out!


Adriana said...

Move to Chester County...nah I think I could handle the commute as it's less than an hour...hmmm maybe I will be the "out of town" spy/corresponder..still think it sounds very Trumanish

tavolini said...

LOL--sounds interesting and a wee bit creepy...

Red said...

I'd totally read that blog.

Sarah's Blogtastic Adventures said...

I am so totally in

rachaelgking said...

Genius. I'm in.

MJenks said...

What if I talk a friend of mine who lives in West Chester to do this for me as my proxy so that I don't have to move? Would that be acceptable?

Anonymous said...

This is like my worst fear! (Well, this and revolving doors.) I'm glad I don't live in West Chester so you can't pick me as your stalkee.

Dr Zibbs said...

Tavolini - Creepy only if it's not happening to you. And welcome to my blog.

MJenks - Yes. But who is this person that you know that lives in West Chester? Do they have a blog?

Son of a Thomas said...

I go away all this time, come back and you're still weird!

Jennifer and Sandi said...

Is there a nail salon in Chester County??? Or I'm not going!

You crack me up!!!!


- Jennifer

Moderator said...

I do this kind of stuff in my spare time. I just don't write about it.

I'm saving that for prison.

Dr Zibbs said...

Son of Thomas - did you expect me to be disussing books?

Oh yeah. I did that a few posts ago. And speaking of posts, when are you going to write a new one?

. said...

I supposed Britney Spears is living this kind of life..with paparazzi attached every hour..(the Truman Show was already taken..)..

Michelle said...

This is brilliant idea Dr Z!!!

How can i get in on it!!???

After i was stalked on my blog i am up for anything!!!!


J.J. in L.A. said...

I can't help you since I'm already involved in the L.A. chapter. We're stalking my cousin's boyfriend who is commonly known as B.U.D. (Butt Ugly Dude). Anyone who sees him is required to call the rest of the family and report what a tool he is.

Autumn said...

I am totally with Tova here!! I would read the blog (as long as it was based on someone other than me) but I would *die* if I found out this was being done to me!!
I have to admit there is a Chester County near here so at first I freaked out a little, then I read the state part and sighed with relief. Lol.

Visiting from Tova and KS to PA's pages,

Anonymous said...

I'm in! Can you help me find a place to crash? They have to take cats, 'cause I don't travel without Oliver. lol

Pearl said...

THAT, my friend, is a fabulous idea. :-)

Crys said...

if i could just have a house like Sarah Palin's, maybe i could see all the way over to PA and jot notes. i am going to look into it

Anonymous said...

Let's just say that once I stopped drooling over the photo of pancakes, I read your post.
What a great idea. Kind of like a Truman show experience, but with blogging.

diane said...

Fred's Weenie? What? Oh, ummmm, never mind.

Some Guy said...

Damn my unfortunate geographic predicament! I'd love to be a part of this.

Dr Zibbs said...

JJ in LA - Good Von.

Some Guy - I'm ordering you to be a part of this.

Cora said...

Me likey. Who should we violate? :-)

Morgan the Muse said...

I think that is an awesome idea, honestly. But I am no where near Penn. :(

Anonymous said...

Let me know which cell block your in, I will write often.

Good luck on your adventure.

No worries about stealing this idea. Stalking is not my mug of beer.


Susan said...

Oh my god, I already feel sorry for Fred. Please let the man pick his nose while driving to work or suffer from food poisoning in a public restaurant without sound bytes and internet pics... please?? We all deserve a little of that, don't we? (Unless it's my husband's ex - I'd be all over that shit!)

dguzman said...

I like the cut of your jib, Zibbs. Count me in!

Miss Alex said...

you're killin me. now I want pancakes

Dale said...

Brilliant and diabolical, I'm considering moving.