Friday, January 2, 2009

Neil Young And Helpless - Friday Send Off Song

So this song will tell you how I'm feeling today - Helpless by Neil Young. Another great song from my favorite concert movie - The Last Waltz.

I send this one out to sweetheart blogger Tova Darling, Buffalo Dick (who's busy enjoying the new fryer he got for Christmas) and Mike* from Brown Cottons And Red Sox - who's trying to build a larger reader base on his blog. Go visit their blogs and tell them Dr. Zibbs sent you.

Have a great weekend!

*And Mike, thanks again for getting your mom to grab Jon by the ear and tell him to do the right thing and leave a comment on my blog. He did it.


Anonymous said...

Yay!! Thanks for the shout out! You're phenomenal; you know that, right?

Dr Zibbs said...

Tova - Yeah, I do know that but I still like to hear it 10 times a day. Thanks.

Verdant Earl said...

We've watched The Last Waltz twice in the past 6 months or so. What a great moment in time.

SkylersDad said...

That was a kick ass movie! One of my fav's also.

Crys said...

why are you feeling helpless (helpless helpless helpless)?

buffalodick said...

How in God's Green Earth did you know I listen to Neil Young? Slap my ass and call me Sally!

Anonymous said...

great song - how do I get a shout out?

Dr Zibbs said...

Buffalodick - because I'm all Jesusy and stuff.

Trogblog - once you become a regular commentor I'll give you a shout out.

mike said...

Wow. Thanks, Doctor! I guess it's kind of a double edged sword... you sent all your readers to my blog, but now I have to actually post something.

Oh, by the way, our mom was PISSED that Jon had stopped commenting on your blog. I hated to be the one to rat him out, but it had to be done. As you can see, she took care of business.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Thank you!

Greta said...

What an awesome song! It's making me fall in love you Dr. Zibbs.

My boyfriend thinks it looks so easy a caveman could do it.