Thursday, January 8, 2009

Today - January 8 - Is My Birthday

Today is my birthday. Click here to see who was born and who died on January 8. This is a post I wrote last year. Note that there are only 2 comments. And one is from me! What a loser. Man this blog has come a long way in one year.


Candy's daily Dandy said...

You gotta check out my blog today. It's about your favorite topic-YOU!
Happy Birthday!

Mind of MadMan said...

Happy BDay..
My your chicken get yanked and plesure cum upon you with the wonderous gift that have been sent. Esp from Skylers Dad..
I think you need help with them. Be right over? Seconds are fine.

Peggy said...

Happy Birthday Dr Zibbs..I found you on Legelmist and I'm here to stay if you'll have me! My oldest son turns 34 today anlong with you and Elvis

SouthernBelle said...

Awww, happy birthday! You don't look a day over 100.

...Oh wait, that's Nana Zibbs.

Verdant Earl said...

Happy Birthday, ya old fuck!

Dr Zibbs said...

How did everyone know it was my birthday?? guys.....

Gwen said...

Happy birthday, pal. Loves ya!

Anonymous said...


Some Guy said...

Happy Birthday, man! Thanks for all the laughs!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Dr!! Going out to Gay Street tonight? I will make sure I toast you later on this evening.


steph anne said...

happy birthday!!

Miss Alex said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVELY... you owe me a photo haha....

J. Hi said...

Happy Happy Happy Birthday, to you, to you, to you, Ole!

Man, you got Elvis! No fair, I only got Jimmy Carter. Eeewwwww

Sass said...

And again I say Happy Birthday...

And that's all I have to say about that. ;)

Anonymous said...

hope you have a great one!!!

Kim said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and reading my horrifically embarassing hand story.

Happy Birthday!

Ps- there's nothing wrong with commenting on your own blog. Is there? God I'm a loser.

Red said...

Happy Birthday, sir!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday Dr. Zi-ibbs, Happy birthday to you!

Cora said...

Happy Birthday!!!! I wrote you a special (VERY SPECIAL) birthday post over on my blog. Please drop by and take a look, birthday boy!

Bethie said...

Happy Birthday Zibbs!

saratogajean said...

Happy Birthday!

Now we are going to have to start calling you Virginia Slims.

Dr Zibbs said...

Thanks everyone. And thanks also to the people that wrote posts about me today.

Scope said...

Dude, working my pimp hand to the bone for ya on your birthday.

Andy - Instafather said...

Happy birthday, and I hope your blog grows even more in the next year, Doc Zibbs.

Falwless said...

Happy Birthday to a very, very, very special person -- someone who always manages to brighten my mood and make me laugh like a ninny; someone who I am proud to know and honored to call my friend.

Oh, and happy birthday to you, too, Zibbs! Crazy that you two were born on the same day!


Morgan the Muse said...

heh... Elvis looks like he is making out with... Elvis! Aw... how...creepy.

Sans Pantaloons said...

Happy Birthday Dr Zibbs!

Anonymous said...

Sincerely hope you have a wonderful birthday and all the best in the coming year!


Sassy Britches said...

Oh good, I'm glad to see you have more than two comments this year. I was ready to comment this morning when you only had one other comment, and I thought maybe we were all in on some cruel joke (except me and you) to try to keep it under two comments THIS year too! Whew! Glad I waited. Happy Birthday!

. said...

Happy Birthday Zibby!
How old are you?Well you're not a woman so it isn't unpolite to ask..

Lisa-tastrophies said...

DUDE!! You are WAY COOLER than Elvis in my book!!
Happy birthday you big Yak!

H said...

Birthday Whore!!!

All my best,

words...words...words... said...

Happy Birthday! I thought Paul McCartney was a cool birthday buddy until you had to come along and have effin ELVIS.

Anonymous said...

Did you know it's also my mum's cat's birthday? 'Cause y'know. That totally like trumps Elvis n stuff...

greeneyesmcl said...

Oh, you wanted birthday wishes today!?! I was working on Yak time and was going to wait two days to wish you a good one. Your gift? The king of the farmer's market will install one of those kitchen sinks you've been collecting.

May your fantasy as the King of Blogdom quell your fears of growing old.

Whiskeymarie said...

You and Elvis on the same day???

I got married at the Elvis chapel in Vegas, so I think that makes me love you even more. Consider the t-shirt your gift, that way I can say I was totally early for the big day, instead of woefully late as I usually am.


BeckEye said...

Happy Birthday, Elvis! Now get back under the stairs.

Oh, and happy birthday to you too, Yakster.

Susan said...

Happy Birthday. I hope I'm as popular as you someday.

TMC said...

Happy Birthday!

Michelle said...


I will no longer be stalking you!!! That is my birthday present to you!!!

You can rest easy now!!!


Michelle said...
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Michelle said...
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Michelle said...
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Michelle said...
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Jenners said...

Hi! You don't know me but I hear you are a comment whore and it is your birthday so here I am. (Legal Mist practically ordered me to come here and comment to you). So happy birthday Dr. Zibbs. May it be wonderful and commentiful!

180360 said...

Wow, you've come so much farther than me in a year! Congratulations and Happy Birthday, Dr. Zibbs. If the scotch hits me hard enough, I'll call your 1-900 number and sing you a Marilyn-ish b-day message. If I don't, well, the Scotch got the best of me and know that my voice is just a sultry. ;) Love and best wishes, darling.

180360 said...


good lord. the scotch already has me.


180360 said...

further or farther? hmmm... hold on..... (swig.) i'm still not sure.

dmb5_libra said...

Happy Birthday!!!

I'm going to throw some change at some strippers in your honor.

what?? i'm unemployed. baller on a budget!

J.J. in L.A. said...

Elvis, eh? It's better than Richard Simmons...

50th comment! Woo Hoo!

Happy Birthday!

Scope said...

I was going to get you a SWEATER for your birthday. But then I figured you'd rather have a SCREAMER or a MOANER.

GETkristiLOVE said...

Being that this is the 52nd comment - obviously you don't get any love so I stopped by to say Happy Birthday.

Fancy Schmancy said...

Happy Birthday! In my eyes, YOU are the king!

Dr Zibbs said...

53 comments holy cow! And FYI Jan 8 was my biggest traffic day ever . Thanks everyone.


Happy Belated Birthday fellow capricorn! I see you missed wishing me Birthday wishes on the exact day so ditto!

Dale said...

I missed it by a mile but happy snappy birthday good Dr.