Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Dave Grohl of the Foo Fighters

It's January 14. Who has a birthday today? The Fighter of Foo Dave Grohl. That's who. He was born in 1969.

To hear him rocking All My Life, click here.


dmb5_libra said...

i want to have his babies. it would be my birthday gift to him.

Anonymous said...

Are you guys friends? Cuz if you are, you could like invite him over for cocktails, and I could like just drop by to say hi and be wearing something like really alluring and stuff.

Verdant Earl said...

Dave Grohl is one of my very few man-crushes. I don't wanna bang him or anything. Just look into his eyes. Is that so wrong?

Dr Zibbs said...

Franki,that sounds great. I'll leave my door open. I'll be hiding in my hallway closet. Just come in and then we'll wait for Dave Grohl to arrive.

MJenks said...

I have no sound at work. I'll have to rock All My Life later tonight when I get home.

Gwen said...

Hey! Dave and I were born in the same year! I would lick him for free.

Anonymous said...

He could come rock my

Anonymous said...

Geez, you're terrible at matchmaking Dr. Z. Dave, or HoneyBuns, as I call him, would totally see through my ploy if he came over to your house and and you were hiding in your closet and just saw me sittin at your kitchen table in a bustiere practicing signing: Mrs. Dave Grohl. Mrs. Franki Grohl. Grohl's Bitch. etc.

Always a Bridesmaid said...

I don't know what to call that kind of shirt he's wearing (a baseball tee?), but I LOVE when boys wear them.

P.S. my bday is on Jan. 29 in case you're looking for a post topic for that day. ;)

SkylersDad said...

He appears to be an angry young man, perhaps it's because his finger is stuck in his ear?

Ann said...

I heart Dave Grohl.

Jill said...

My husband adores the Foo Fighters...he's a frustrated non rock star. They've grown on me after 14 years of listening to them almost nonstop.

words...words...words... said...

Ah, one of my favorite bands! One of the best live shows ever, if you get the chance to catch them. They're also loud. I've been to a million shows, and only Motley Crue has been louder.

Sass said...

And today we celebrate the birth of Dave Grohl, as well as mourning the loss of Ricardo Montalban.

I'm not sure how to feel right now.

I'm so confused.

Won't somebody please HOLD ME?!?!?!?

Gwen said...

I'll hold you, Sass, but only if I can cop a feel.

Chris said...

They were on Top Chef one night recently and I thought that was an odd cross promotion. Anyway, Happy Bday Dave G.

Jen said...

he's awesome.

Elizabeth said...

I just love him. Foo, Nirvana, whatever. He can do no wrong, in my opinion.

Jennifer and Sandi said...

Foo Whom??? Is that like Stone Temple Pilots?

- Jennifer

WendyB said...

Screw him for being younger than me. Asshat.

Micgar said...

I love this guy! His attitude, tunes, everything!
Happy Birthday-Dave!

Vodka Mom said...

I love him..........

M@ said...

Hipper than thou.

alexa @clevelandsaplum said...

i would let him sleep with me

BeckEye said...

I've always found him strangely attractive. And he's hilarious.

Chele said...

I love me some foo fighters and Dave, but I must say all my love lies with Taylor of the hottest drummers around. yummmm

Talk With No Thought said...

For my birthday all i want is to be Dave Grohl's guitar strap. Lucky guitar strap.

Anonymous said...

I finally posted about my Etsy shop, and I'm having a giveaway!

J. Hi said...

Yes, Dave is on my rock star list. I saw him in concert with The Chili Peppers in 2000 when I was 8 months pregnant with my first. Love him.

Anonymous said...

hmm...his face bothers me a little bit.

Susan said...

He's one of those that if I saw on the street I wouldn't give a second glance to...but as a Foo Fighter... Damn!

Whiskeymarie said...

I don't give a crap about Dave Grohl, I'm just happy that he's older than me.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I meant to send him a card.
